Replacement Microphone for a TomTom GO 740 Live

Jan 15, 2014
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
TomTom Model(s)
My TomTom GO 740 Live works perfectly (now) except that it doesn't respond to voice commands. The Command and Control icon shows up on the main screen like it is supposed to, but the red & green bars don't give any indication the device has picked up the sound of my voice.

While trying resolve some earlier problems with the device I had read something about using a paperclip to reset it. The only place on the device that looked like it would accept a paperclip is where I've since found out the microphone is located. I suspect that I have most likely damaged the microphone.

While doing some research on getting my device repaired I noted that the maker of TomTom doesn't repair or replace devices that are out of warranty.

My questions are:

1. Would it be possible to get a replacement microphone from the maker of the device for a GO 740 Live? I thought other forum members with more experience dealing with the maker of the device might know that answer. I would have someone install the microphone for me.

2. If they don't have a replacement microphone, would the maker of the device be willing to tell me what microphone they used in the GO 740 Live, and where I might be able to purchase another one?

I really like my TomTom GO 740 Live and don't want to consign it to the scrap heap if I don't have to do so.
WHERE ARE YOU BASED? (Please could you update your profile?)

TomTom won't be any help in sourcing a new microphone, but depending on where you live, there may or may not be some independent repair shops who could likely help (probably just by burgling the mic. from a broken one).
WHERE ARE YOU BASED? (Please could you update your profile?)

TomTom won't be any help in sourcing a new microphone, but depending on where you live, there may or may not be some independent repair shops who could likely help (probably just by burgling the mic. from a broken one).

I'm located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. I just tried updating my profile, but I didn't

While doing research I kind of got the feeling that TomTom would not be of any help. I wonder why that is? There's money to be made in replacement parts.
I've got a spare mic here. I'd tell you to send me a PM, but I believe this board configuration doesn't allow that with < 5 posts, and you've only got 2, and this new software doesn't give me access to your email address, so I can't send you one, either.
Try to send me a PM (click on my name, left, then "Start a Conversation" when you can get to it). If that doesn't work, send three more test messages here (we'll clean them up later) and try again.

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