Tomtom 720 + iPod?

Aug 29, 2007
Hey all...just bought, but haven't yet received my new 720. Question:

If I get the iPod cable (to attach the iPod to the 720) do I need the audio cable to get the music out of the 720 and into my car stereo, or can I use the built-in FM transmitter to send them to the radio that way?

I understand this (FM transmitting) is supposed to work with MP3's on an SD card, as with audible turn-by-turn directions from the nav, as well as with hands-free phone calls (all shown in one way or another on the site), but no mention is made about the ipod (beyond iPod "control").

Can use the built-in FM transmitter to send iPod music to the radio as well?

I think I remember reading of a hack somewhere to allow this. I could be wrong though. Hopefully someone will post up.
I don't have a 720, but with the 910, the audio cable comes included with the unit.
When I also purchased the IPod cable, an audio cable was also included with it.
With my 910. I can connect the IPod to the unit then relay the audio cable from the unit to my AUX switch.

Maybe a 720 owner may shine some light.
Yes it works....!


I bought the GO 720 in the UK, and bought the iPod link cable - it plays the music through the tomtom via FM radio and through the car stereo. No physical connection from either the iPod or TomTom is required to the car stereo.

Hope this helps,

720 + iPod


Thanks, this is exactly the scenario I was talking about.

Additionally, how are you finding the FM transmitter? Some reviews have been less than impressive. I've heard that the higher FM stations seems to work better then the lower FM stations? Your experience?

I'm waiting with bated breath for my 720 to arrive...


I bought the GO 720 in the UK, and bought the iPod link cable - it plays the music through the tomtom via FM radio and through the car stereo. No physical connection from either the iPod or TomTom is required to the car stereo.

Hope this helps,

ipod hookup? ideas for case?

:eek: Where do you get the cord from the TT720 to the ipod? From the ipod store or is it a more specialized deal? Need to get it working by tomorrow--help!
also, what's the deal with the cases? Is everyone just rigging up a camera case for this one? Kind of lame that the company didn't include a case for this high-end gps.:confused:
TT720 case and ipod cable

They're both listed as accessories on the TT website, but good luck getting that done before tomorrow. My retail options suck, there'd be NO WAY I'd get anything by tomorrow if needed. Good luck with that.

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