Tom Tom 930 battery runs out quickly

Sep 7, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
My Tom Tom 930 battery runs out quickly without being plugged in.
Like last for a few mins. after fully charged.
So how to check battery is fully charged when there sold green bar in icon showing rather then flashing partial green bar ? It is a pity when fully charged, they don't make green light to go off or change to a different colour when fully charged when it is plugged in charging and turned off. Have to turn on gps just to check if it is fully charged or not.

What should I do ?

Is there anyway to calibrate the battery to make it last longer ?
Like some android app. devices can ?

Or just keep it plugged in continously to power supply ?
Will Tom Tom 930 eventually not power on and work if battery go dead even I continously keeped it plugged in ?

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It was your 2009 tutorial that made me change the battery after the device only ran plugged in.

My reference is to allay fears of buying from Hong Kong via eBay.
It was your 2009 tutorial that made me change the battery after the device only ran plugged in.

My reference is to allay fears of buying from Hong Kong via eBay.

How much did tool kit , battery and shipping cost all togther when you bought at E-bay ?

Like dhn told me here-

I live chatted on their website.

They told me $45.34 inc battery, tool Kit, shipping and tax. for battery replacment for Tom Tom 930.

Is that a good price to get everything included apart from helping you install it for you ?
Scared I might brick or damage the electronics inside the GPS by just trying to take apart the cover and pulling out the battery to put new one in,

Is it worth it just to replace the battery because electronics inside wear or burn out in time too, right ?
Or might as well buy a new gps which includes North America and Europe map ?
How much is cheapest latest version model, which is comparable to Tom Tom 930 cost in Canada?

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Seems a little steep to me. Our 'usual source' south of the parallel (at US$18.20 including tools and free shipping) certainly beats the heck out of your price.
Trouble is, ships to Canada via mail at really expensive rates, driving the cost above your existing CND$45 price.
How much did tool kit , battery and shipping cost all togther when you bought at E-bay ?

Like dhn told me here-

I live chatted on their website.

They told me $45.34 inc battery, tool Kit, shipping and tax. for battery replacment for Tom Tom 930.

Is that a good price to get everything included apart from helping you install it for you ?
Scared I might brick or damage the electronics inside the GPS by just trying to take apart the cover and pulling out the battery to put new one in,

Is it worth it just to replace the battery because electronics inside wear or burn out in time too, right ?
Or might as well buy a new gps which includes North America and Europe map ?
How much is cheapest latest version model, which is comparable to Tom Tom 930 cost in Canada?

I did not buy a Tool Kit.
I bought a battery CAD 10.40 postage paid.
1300mAh Battery for TomTom AHL03713100
They show as Canada based
If they still exist in QC Tel.: (877) 815-0001

I bought a Torx screw driver set from Princess for CAD 25.00

I see cheap battery here which they say for Tom Tom 930.

Are they any good ?
It says fits other models too besides 930.

They say-

Replacement 1697461 Battery

UpStart Battery is the only brand on eBay with a Lifetime Manufacturer's Warranty.

Don't really know what that means ?

Don't know if it has 1300mAh Battery specification as you mentioned or is that neccessary ?


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