Change Preferences/Switch Map on TomTom 930 after updating to North America map

Sep 7, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
After updating to North America map.

How do I know which North America map is the latest updated one on my sd card ?

Because they both show same name but doesn't show date version of it.

In the past I download North American map to internal memory but after it fill up and I couldn't download Europe map to internal memory. I had to choose sd memory card to install to instead of internal memory because not enough space to update Europe map on internal memory .

I have 32 gbs sd card I update and install to now.

But now I have no idea where the maps I am seeing are when
Change Preferences/Switch Map are
from my internal memory or sd card memory that I am viewing ? How do I find out ?
Which maps should I select for the most current up to date ones ?

Trying to successfully download European map to sd card and would need to know that too
which is most up to date to choose.



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By rights, Home should have deleted the older map when installing the new one. I assume you now, for some reason, have both an old and new version of each on your SD card. I'll further assume your objective is to assure that you're only using the most current map, and you can't see which is which.
If you fire up Home, and ask it to display the 'items' on the device, and select 'maps', it should show both versions of both maps with the version number in the details. Then you can use Home delete or move to your PC the older versions of each.
Are both maps USA Canada and Mexico or is one USA and Canada. Just to make sure it is really the same map.
I used to have the former but during some map subscription cycle I was switched to the lesser one.

There are separate drive letters when connected to the PC.
Check on which one what map(s) are shown.
By rights, Home should have deleted the older map when installing the new one. I assume you now, for some reason, have both an old and new version of each on your SD card. I'll further assume your objective is to assure that you're only using the most current map, and you can't see which is which.
If you fire up Home, and ask it to display the 'items' on the device, and select 'maps', it should show both versions of both maps with the version number in the details. Then you can use Home delete or move to your PC the older versions of each.

I tried what you say it only shows one version of North America which is 840.2562 as shown on last post.
So what is other version ?


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Are both maps USA Canada and Mexico or is one USA and Canada. Just to make sure it is really the same map.
I used to have the former but during some map subscription cycle I was switched to the lesser one.

There are separate drive letters when connected to the PC.
Check on which one what map(s) are shown.

This is the version I have-

Is that one the latest version ?

Is that one the latest version ?

If you wait an other 3 months your map will be 7 years out of date.

I am still wondering what you see on the PC when you open the Internal memory and the SD card while connected (without Home).
If you wait an other 3 months your map will be 7 years out of date.

I am still wondering what you see on the PC when you open the Internal memory and the SD card while connected (without Home).

I think they are same map of North America.
This is what I see. I drive is internal memory and E drive is external sd card,-


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Yes, they do look the same but I was wondering if you see when just looking at the folders in the E:\ and the I:\ drives.
Particularly if you see more than one map named.

In any case, make PC copies of either drive letter so that you can restore without resorting to Home, if need be.
Yes, they do look the same but I was wondering if you see when just looking at the folders in the E:\ and the I:\ drives.
Particularly if you see more than one map named.

In any case, make PC copies of either drive letter so that you can restore without resorting to Home, if need be.

Here are the map folders in internal memory and sd card,


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This is the version I have-

Is that one the latest version ?

That's the 940 NA map that Home shows stored on your PC (Note that it says "This item is stored on your computer"). We need to know what Home says about any NA maps stored. First tab under "Manage my GO" should be "Items on device". Select the + symbol at "Maps" and show us what is there when you then select "More info..." for any maps found there. It SHOULD say "This item is on your navigation device" for each, with a version number.
@canderson, 840, not 940. ;->)

@zhong, carry on with canderson. He has the deeper knowledge between computer and device.

If your device actually has those maps installed you should be able to determine the version by switching between them and checking them under power.
tap bottom RH (No route planned) >
tap version (should be 9.510 to get current maps) >
see the map version shown.

Change maps and see what is says for each of the four shown.
That's the 940 NA map that Home shows stored on your PC (Note that it says "This item is stored on your computer"). We need to know what Home says about any NA maps stored. First tab under "Manage my GO" should be "Items on device". Select the + symbol at "Maps" and show us what is there when you then select "More info..." for any maps found there. It SHOULD say "This item is on your navigation device" for each, with a version number.

Ok both North America maps in Internal Memory and Memory card are the same version 840.2562

Western and Central Europe map is version 810.1907 on Internal Memory and version 835.2419 on Memory card.

So Western and Central Europe on my Memory card is the latest version I currently have,



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Odd that somehow you have so many duplicates. In any case, let's start from the beginning now.
I assume you have attempted to purchase either new North America and/or Europe maps, and are now having trouble with the installation of those maps? In other words, this is a full map update, not just a Mapshare, right?
Yes, they do look the same but I was wondering if you see when just looking at the folders in the E:\ and the I:\ drives.
Particularly if you see more than one map named.

In any case, make PC copies of either drive letter so that you can restore without resorting to Home, if need be.

So if I wish to only use the map folders on my sd card which are the most current I have, I can just cut and paste the map folders in my internal memory to my computer hard drive ? After I done that it should show only 2 maps latest maps on my sd card
when I Change Preferences/Switch Map on TomTom 930 ? It will operate normally after I cut map folders from my internal memory of my TomTom 930 ?
Odd that somehow you have so many duplicates. In any case, let's start from the beginning now.
I assume you have attempted to purchase either new North America and/or Europe maps, and are now having trouble with the installation of those maps? In other words, this is a full map update, not just a Mapshare, right?

I got an e-mail saying I could download free Europe map as shown in my attachment.



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So if I wish to only use the map folders on my sd card which are the most current I have, I can just cut and paste the map folders in my internal memory to my computer hard drive ? After I done that it should show only 2 maps latest maps on my sd card
when I Change Preferences/Switch Map on TomTom 930 ? It will operate normally after I cut map folders from my internal memory of my TomTom 930 ?
Yes, but copy them to your PC just to be safe. You certainly do not need all of these duplicate folders in internal memory, and it can (well, it did in the old days when I had this) confuse Home when it does updates.
I got an e-mail saying I could download free Europe map as shown in my attachment.

That's a surprise! Did they offer this to you while in conversation with Tech Support? I guess I don't know still what you were updating at the beginning of all of this. Have you recently purchased new NA and Euro maps for your 930 that you are trying to install? They sure didn't offer lifetime maps back in the 930 days like they do now.
That's a surprise! Did they offer this to you while in conversation with Tech Support? I guess I don't know still what you were updating at the beginning of all of this. Have you recently purchased new NA and Euro maps for your 930 that you are trying to install? They sure didn't offer lifetime maps back in the 930 days like they do now.
No this is first time I got recent email saying I could update Europe map, since I bought the gps. I didn't purchase anything.
I choose external sd card to update since internal memory not enough memory but it still show it installing something in internal memory iwhen I update. I guess some update files can't be installed to sd card to use ?

When I use Tom Tom Home to update my device. N.A. and Europe Map appeared so I can download and update it. However when I update them all with all boxes ticked that I could update and clicked to update. I get the error message about postal code, so I unchecked Europe map update and just update N.A. map.
, but after installation the version that was download the N.A. map to my computer was the same version I have in my internal memory originally. There was message at the end saying that
N.A. map was installed successfully.
After I successfully downloaded and installed N.S. map. I just tried to update Europe map but had error message about the NL postal code in beginning and after I click ok the Europe map had error when it tried to update in the end.

I'm seeing similar issues when trying to update my GO 740. It's odd ... even though my GO 740 does have Europe on the uSD card, and although I am not being offered a new Europe map for it, the server is still also having issues with the NL post code file. So far, if I close out the complaint about the NL post code by just hitting "OK", other things listed can be downloaded/installed, but as I say, I am not also trying to update Europe where the NL post code would matter. The post code update seems to have been 'pushed' by the TT server to all of us with European maps. It used to show up separately on the list of items to download and install, and could therefore be deselected.

You frequent the TT support board a lot. Are others talking about the NL post code issue there as well? Seems all of us here who are updating Nav2 devices are seeing it.

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