Rider 2013 Recording my itinerary

Apr 10, 2016
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/ad.png" alt="Andorra" /> Andorra
TomTom Model(s)
Rider 2013
Hi everyone,

My name Is Jordi and I'm from Barcelona (Catalonia). After a bad experience with the Rider 400, and following several suggestions, last week I bought the Rider 2013 (also called Rider IV or Rider V).
My question is concerning the itinerary recording feature:
Yesterday was the first time I tried to generate an itinerary based on my trip did along all day. When at home, I check if the device had generate a trip record. The manual says that two files are created: A GPX and a ITN. I am only able to get the GPX file, being unable to find other ITN files than my route previously planned using tyre and downloaded to device (early morning, before start my trip).
For that: Do you know where is the ITN file that supposed had to be created, together with GPX file, when I record my trip?

I thought that I had enough with the GPX file created, but when exporting to Tyre and open, I get an amount of 3.204 waypoints!!!!. Obviously my computer is not able to calculate and generate a route with this big volume of points and every time I make zoom or move the map through the screen, my PC collapses.

I asking for:

*Is it possible to configure my rider in order to set the gap between waypoints?

*There is an application which can be used to filter waypoints? I tried GPS Babel, but it need each waypoint's time and the file GPX got do not include this value, showing only coordinates.

There is a third part application which could be installed on my Rider, in which the gap between waypoints could be set?

Thanks a lot for your help,

Prony (Barcelona)
I had never heard that these units would record an *.itn file. Might be worth re-reading that again. You can upload *.gpx and *.itn files, but can record only *.gpx. The reason that you can't auto-record an *.itn is because an *.itn is a series of specific stops or waypoints, and the device has no idea where you would want to mark these on your journey.

Yes, when recording *.gpx files, a new point is created each 1 second. So your 3,204 track points represents about 53 minutes of recording time. There is presently no means for setting the time between track points either within the Rider code or by some 3rd party means.

GPS Babel is a fantastic tool, but doesn't have a means for eliminating 'x out of y' points.

If I better understood what you are hoping to do with the *.gpx file of track points, I could better help. There are applications and web sites that can manage 3,204 points without any problem. Are you just trying to view your route? If there's something more specific that you need that requires that you thin out the file a bit, let me know . It would be fairly easy to write a bit of code that does that.

So let me know what your objectives are and I can either point you to a better way of viewing your tracks, or perhaps we can put together something that will reduce your track file size.
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Just for grins, throw your *.gpx file at this site >> http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/

They do a very nice job there. It won't have any trouble handing your file. Google Earth is one of the output options.
Hi Canderson,

Thanks a lot for your quick and accurate response. From the Tomtom Rider Reference Guide http://download.tomtom.com/open/manuals/rider2013/refman/TomTom-Rider5-RG-en-us.pdf On page 37 I got this:

About recording your route
There are several reasons why you may want to record a route. You may be on the riding vacation of a lifetime and want to share the route with fellow bikers or you may simply wish to build
a collection of your favourite routes.
When the recording of a route stops, two files are created. The first file is a GPX file that holds very detailed information and can be viewed with software such as Google Earth.
The second file is an ITN file that can be shared with other TomTom users and can be used to drive the route again using the Itinerary feature.
You can also download GPX files from the internet and convert them to ITN files for sharing and riding using the Itinerary feature.

This was the reason that I am trying to find the *.itn file.

My objective is only to "see and store" the route I have done. Some times the home planned route is changed along the journey and he result is not exactly followed point-to-point. When back home I would check where I really I've been and, in case, share this "unexpected & fantastic route" with my friends. Nothing away from this purpose.

I think that one second between points is excessive, imagine a 12 hours trip!!!!

Thanks to your info. about GPSBabel, now I understand why I was unable to get my target.

Let me check gpsvisualizer. May be it's enough for my purposes.

Thanks again!!!!!

Jordi Roig Graells
Looks like a really outstanding run, Jordi. Wish I had been with you!

I need to couch my original answer by saying that I do NOT have a current Rider to work with, but do have other 'Nav4' devices, all of which record *.gpx, and none of which record *.itn files. Again, the *.itn would be problematic. Just a little background on that...

There are three versions of *.gpx file.
  • One is the <wpt> version. This is identical in purpose to a TomTom *.itn file. It is used for identifying locations that are to be visited irrespective of the route taken to get there. Routing is determined by the map, routing engine, any traffic data if available, etc. You will be taken from one point to the next in sequence in one fashion or another until the points to be visited have been exhausted.
  • The second is the <rte> version. This is made up of a sufficient number of waypoints only at critical junctures necessary to assure that the routing is followed specifically if possible.
  • The third is the <trk> version. This is the version that your Rider makes, and it follows an exact path, and with some units (handhelds, mostly) can even be used for off-road or hiking navigation. MOST companies that allow for this method also allow the user to specify the intervals at which <trk> points will be recorded. As noted, TomTom does not yet allow for this, and you will get one each 1 second.
If you are able to locate the *.itn, I'd really like to see what it looks like. As you see in the #1 above, such files are made of specific points to be visited. I cannot imagine how a TomTom device could possibly know what points along your recorded route are to be included in that list unless there is also a feature to manually mark them as you travel, and I haven't seen any Nav4 code that allows for that.

I have the Rider 400/410/40 manual here (for version 16.1, per the title page), and can't find the content you describe in your post. Is that a translation, or is that directly from the manual you have? What page is that on? I'll post the one I have here if I can get it to 'fit'.
Rats. Nope. Not even as a moderator is that going to happen. If you'll drop me a PM with your email, I'll send you the version I have for you to compare.
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Hi again,

I never though that there were three types of GPX files (Sure it can generate confusion and compatibility errors). I check the GPX generated when record a route while riding and there is only coordinates, one coordinate for each minute. This amount of coordinates can help me to watch where I've been. (I think that is is not necessary one record for minute, maybe one each three minutes could be enough)

The manual I got the information about recording the route (and ITN & GPX creation) is:


This is the manual of TomTom Rider model 2013. On page 37 you can get the information. I made a "Copy&Paste" to be quickly.

From this point, I think that GPS visualizer gives me what I was looking for.

Thanks again

Jordi (Barcelona)

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