Hi I seriously hope someone can put me right before I chuck this thing out the window in frustration !
All I want to do is plan a route from A to B the way I want to go, not the way the 550 decides I should. I have literally spent hours on my PC on Mydrive plotting a route via villages etc and away from major roads. When I download to my 550 it saves the A to B point but plans it’s own - very different route. In other words it plans the route as if you had just entered Start and end points on the tomtom with no stops etc. Hours and hours and hours spent on this ! I have a trip coming up on Tuesday and weds that I need to plan. Help !
All I want to do is plan a route from A to B the way I want to go, not the way the 550 decides I should. I have literally spent hours on my PC on Mydrive plotting a route via villages etc and away from major roads. When I download to my 550 it saves the A to B point but plans it’s own - very different route. In other words it plans the route as if you had just entered Start and end points on the tomtom with no stops etc. Hours and hours and hours spent on this ! I have a trip coming up on Tuesday and weds that I need to plan. Help !