Quick questions about Garmin features

Jun 19, 2008
Lowell, MA
TomTom Model(s)
G'morning staff,
Firstly, allow me to apologize for the question related to Garmin device. I'm too lazy to register on Garmin forums to ask just this 2 questions. If I violate any rule, pls let me know and delete my thread.

Secondly, I do hope that we here have some Garmin owners, users or even gurus. I have 2 questions for my Dad (Garmin 1350)
1. Can (or how) we display the current street name on the display or during navigating. Is it doable or impossible?
2. Does it have feature such POI Sound Alert? if so how do we enable it?

Thanks all
I'm fairly certain your 1350 will show the street you're traveling on the green info bar, but only when not navigating (no destination set). That feature varies between some model lines. The older 200 and 700 series devices showed the next cross street when not navigating instead of the street being driven. Unlike TomTom, there is no menu setting to enable that for use during navigation. FWIW, I've seldom needed to use my gps to find what street I was traveling on. But you can use the menu option "Where Am I" to get that info or touch the vehicle icon itself if needed. Audible POI alerts can be enabled for custom poi sets but not the built in ones. Use Garmin's POI Loader for customizing alert sounds and/or distance from the poi for an alert to play. POI-Factory.com has all the details on how to use POI Loader with a link to the exe file, and hundreds of available POI sets, many with matching audible alerts and on-screen icons. Personally, I have a Rest Area poi set with alerts set for 2 miles out. I also use a RedLight camera file set for 1/4 mile.

As you've discovered, not all TomTom features can be found on a Garmin, nor can some of Garmin's better features be found on TomTom's. :)
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Thanks dhn for allowing the thread stayed and informed gatorguy to help :)

Yes, currently, he has to touch the vehicle icon to bring up the "Where am I" screen then identify where he is on. So I guess, this feature is un-existed on Garmin devices.
Again, for built-in POIs such gas stations, there will be NO audible alert.

I definitely love Tomtom :)

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