PLUS traffic is broken

Talked to TomTom again last night. At least they now accepted the fact that it doesn't have anything to do with my phone. They said they'd be looking into it and asked for patience, so I guess I'll be waiting...
Similar experience with me. I just did another weekly follow-up call this afternoon.

Customer support answered in under a minute, were very friendly, and spent lots of time trying solutions.

They told me that their engineers gave them two steps to try:
1) reinstall the map, which I did while they patiently waited
2) manually copy tmccodes.dat and traffic.dat from the downloaded zipfile to the Tomtom (the fix that we know about for the x40 devices)

After both failed, they also said to be patient. They said the top two steps help some people, but that they are aware that something else is wrong for others. They said they are quickly working to resolve it, especially because it is a paid service. They said to just keep checking the traffic and hopefully it will just start working in a few days.

Looks like DHN or someone else got through to the right people at Tomtom. They are much better informed of the issue. Let's hope they find a fix soon.
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So I thought of it a bit, and have a guess.

Tomtom previously filtered the traffic for PLUS traffic subscribers, only showing us highway congestion. They let both highway and sidestreet congestion show for their higher-end LIVE traffic subscribers.

Perhaps they got the filter backwards in their programming - because we're seeing lots of sidestreet traffic for the first time, and no highway traffic. All they'd need to do is change the code from "show sideroads and not highways" to "show highways and not sideroads".

Well that's at least a guess...

DHN - do you want to relay this hypothesis to your contacts?
Well I thought I would give an update as well. I tried uninstalling the most recent map and going back to the prior one, as recomended by a TomTom rep, but nothing changed. I'll be going back to the new map once I get back home. Still waiting for the traffic to work properly.
So I thought of it a bit, and have a guess.

Tomtom previously filtered the traffic for PLUS traffic subscribers, only showing us highway congestion. They let both highway and sidestreet congestion show for their higher-end LIVE traffic subscribers.

Perhaps they got the filter backwards in their programming - because we're seeing lots of sidestreet traffic for the first time, and no highway traffic. All they'd need to do is change the code from "show sideroads and not highways" to "show highways and not sideroads".

Well that's at least a guess...

DHN - do you want to relay this hypothesis to your contacts?

Or they could just change it to "show sideroads AND show highways". Just a thought! :D
OK. . . Fixed.

Reloaded my backup. Reloaded the previous map. All good. Updated to Home Still good. Updated to the latest map. No go. Checked tmccode and traffic dat. 0 bytes, so manually updated. No go. Relogged in to my live services account. Still no go. Updated to the latest application version. No go. Logged back into my live account. Fixed.

So at the end of the day, it required the latest application for the latest map as best I can tell. Also logging in to my account directly on the 740. Also manually placing tmccodes and traffic.dat.
This was fun.

Now to answer your question that started all this MVL. I just checked traffic on my 740 against routes.TomTom. It largely matches, but not completely. Two local incidents, one an accident and one just a delay, shown on routes.TomTom but not on the 740. But I can tell that TomTom has added some additional traffic data from a source other than TrafficCast, so I suspect some Inrix data is now included. I'd have to spend a little time comparing Inrix reports to the 740 to be able to tell for certain. I'll see if I can do so by tomorrow.
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To be clear, Gator fixed his separate 740 LIVE issue.

PLUS users are still broken.
Which is why I've posted your analysis, mvl.

Who knows if anything will come of it, but at least they're aware.
I noticed something interesting in the map files....

Does anyone with map 835 for a 920/930 have issues with traffic? If my map suspicion is right, 920/930 owners shouldn't have a problem.

edit: Disregard - I checked and owners of the North America full map have issues too.

no issue today with 920 Showed roadwork and 1 1/2 hrs latter showed it cleared. Went that route and it was clean and green.

I sill get accurate roadwork icons on interstates.

Is your 920 showing any yellow/red flow on interstates? There are a lot of "sideroads" with flow in NYC so it may be hard to notice this. I'm referring to federal interstates (95/495/etc). Do you still get yellow/red flow on those?
Still only getting roadwork notices with 1min delays in Seattle and nothing else - nice to see the side street blockages showing up but useless without delay times.

Checked at 5pm and it was correct with the traffic but the 730 show all clear :mad:

I am wondering if the delay in the iPhone kits is in part due to this.

They would get crucified in Engadget, Gizmodo etc if Traffic is not working when they launch that
I had flow reports this morning. 46 minutes for two separate incidents.

Interesting as I'm still showing nothing in Boston - what city are you in? Where they federal interstates or secondary roads? Are you getting the same amount of flow reports as you used to?

I saw from earlier posts that you have a Tomtom 730 and map 835, so if you're fixed then it would rule out the map version as the culprit.
a week after posting a support question to TT, I get my first reply and it's the same canned "your phone/reset/app" letter.

I hate it when a company has an issue, it is clearly causing them problems and they don't come clean

Our tech support guys will admit it is someone asks an issue about something we know we have an issue with and are working on- that upfront honesty goes a LONG way

As of last night was showing delays but still nothing on the 730.

This morning it's showing nothing on either - certainly compared to
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I finally got a response as well, but it was only to say that I've already called in and the sitaution was escalated at that point. I called TomTom and spoke with a rep, rather quickly I might add, but no answer as of yet. I did ask him if they, as in the reps, were alerted to the fact that there is an issue with the plus traffic. and he said they were. I should have a response from my escalated issue hopefully by monday. I'll post whatever I hear then.
traffic recalculations

Something strange is happening with traffic. I have never seen so many recalulations for a faster route so often. For a period of time it was recalculating every minuit for many and less then 2 minuits on many others. Does anybody know whats happening. I have the 920
Something strange is happening with traffic. I have never seen so many recalulations for a faster route so often. For a period of time it was recalculating every minuit for many and less then 2 minuits on many others. Does anybody know whats happening. I have the 920

Not sure what's happening, yet, hopefully they're working on it, or so they tell me. Go ahead and give TomTom a call though, the more people complain about it hopefully the quicker they'll fix it.
Today I shows NO incidents in Atlanta. Maybe it was because I bailed at 1330 this afternoon, but it was still kind of odd.

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