No Safety Camera Alerts on new TomTom XL 2 IQ Routes

Apr 23, 2012
Manchester, UK
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom XL 2 IQ Routes
I bought a new TomTom XL2 IQ Routes sat nav last week. I installed all the map updates which included the free speed camera download however since using my Sat Nav I am not getting any notification of any speed camera what so ever. The Safety Alerts are enabled in the menu. The only way it will alert me is if I manually add them myself by pressing the camera icon on the screen. I have posted this problem on the TomTom forums and someone suggested turning safety alerts off, turning sat nav off, turning back on and re-enabling them. This hasn't worked either. Is this a problem with the Sat Nav or am I doing something wrong? Hope someone can help, thanks.
Connect the XL2 to your computer. Close TomTom Home if it opens, you don't need to use that here.
Use Windows Explorer (or Finder on a Mac) to examine the TomTom storage (it will show up as a new "disk drive")

Find the named map folder ("Western and Central Europe, or "Europe" or "UK and Ireland" or whatever yours is called)
If the speed cameras have actually been loaded onto the device there should be a file called "Safety_Cam_UK_Premium.ov2" in that folder (or "Safety_Cam_UK.ov2" I'm not sure if you get the premium ones).

I'm trying to get a handle on whether its a problem with the downloading and installing or with the set-up on the device itself.

As an aside, many people regard the TomTom-supplied camera warnings as pretty poor, and a poor set of warnings is arguably worse than none at all!

I'd look at the alternative camera database and warnings from the PocketGPSWorld website if I were you.
I bought a new TomTom XL2 IQ Routes sat nav last week. I installed all the map updates which included the free speed camera download however since using my Sat Nav I am not getting any notification of any speed camera what so ever. The Safety Alerts are enabled in the menu. The only way it will alert me is if I manually add them myself by pressing the camera icon on the screen. I have posted this problem on the TomTom forums and someone suggested turning safety alerts off, turning sat nav off, turning back on and re-enabling them. This hasn't worked either. Is this a problem with the Sat Nav or am I doing something wrong? Hope someone can help, thanks.
hi we bought the same 1 a month ago got it replaced thinking it was faulty. Unfortunately you don't get the alerts unless you pay a subscription . We thought we were upgrading to a more superior version but that is not the case very disappointed had we known before hand we would never have bought it
Unfortunately you don't get the alerts unless you pay a subscription.

I've never thought this to be the case... I believe that the subscription only concerns new UPDATES to the speed cam data and the alerts themselves continue to work after the subscription expires.

Luckily, I'm in the happy situation of being able to prove it one way or the other over the weekend.

I have an XL LIVE on which the Live Services subscription runs out today.

I've just run a demo route past a local camera and seen the alerts working. I'll do exactly the same demo again in a day or two and see what occurs.
OK, my LIVE Services subscription ran out at midnight on my XL LIVE and I can confirm that when I plan a route this morning, I DO still get warnings for existing cameras. I just won't get any updates for changes or new ones.

Here was the display I got when I demo'ed the route last night when LIVE Services were still working:


Notice the traffic bar on the right is showing a good connection (but no incidents on my tiny demo route) and that the Camera reporting icon is showing in DARK BLUE indicating up-to-date, over-the-air, camera data.

Now, here's the message I got this morning:


But when I entered the same route as before, I was still shown the same cameras on the route summary screen:


... and when I ran the demo of the route, I still got alerted to the camera.


Notice how the Traffic bar is showing a problem (as expected - there's no LIVE Services) and the Camera reporting icon is now showing in GREY, indicating that the cameras are what's stored on the unit, not updated "live". But I DO still get the warning of the camera ahead.

So I think I can definitely say you SHOULD still get camera warnings after your LIVE subscription runs out.



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Hi Andy ,
Glad yours seems to be working ok. We contacted tomtom and they gave us a replacement but we still aren,t getting any warning alerts there is no sound what so ever. Apparently it should make a beep beep beep sound when approaching speed cameras or going over speed limit. I,ve e-mailed them again waiting on a response. We thought when we bought this one it would have same features if not more as the tomtom 1 3rd edition not the case . Any one able to give some advice apart from binning it lol
You say no sound....are you SEEING the camera icons now?
I presume you've switched on the alerts AND checked the settings screens for the camera warning sounds?

Main menu / Live Services / Speed cameras / Change Warning Preferences.

Each camera type whould have a loudspeker icon beside it, and when you tap each one you should get a screen asking when you want the warning (always/only if speeding/never)and the NEXT screen should allow you to select a sound effect.
You need to check that for every camera type.

Warnings for going too fast generally are set up in a different place: Change preferences / Safety prefeences - tick the 5th option down, then select a sound on the NEXT screen.

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