No route found

Jan 18, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
I've recently had weird problems with my TomTomXL, it wouldn't load, then it would, then it wouldn't connect to the PC, then it would. I've restored an old backup but now although it turns on OK, no matter what route I set it says "No route found". I can see the start and end points on the map as it goes through permutations, and it clearly knows where I want to be, but after pondering it for a while it just comes up "No route found"
What's going on?
Try a drum reset on the unit by holding the power button about 20 seconds till you hear the drum sounds. Also, what planning restrictions have you in place?
I've done that reset many times. I have no planning restrictions. I tried setting it to fastest route, shortest route, limited speed, nothing makes a difference.
Make sure you have the correct map selected. On the setting page, there should be an option to switch map. Sometimes after a full restore the wrong map is being selected.
Make sure you have the correct map selected. On the setting page, there should be an option to switch map. Sometimes after a full restore the wrong map is being selected.
That did the trick!!
I've only got the one map but selecting it worked...thank you very much :)

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