need help creating POI's go 730

Aug 14, 2008
i need to know the best way to add custom POI's in my go 730. i have a list of all adress's but i want them to show up as a name instead of an address.

for example here is one i need,
184 Hodges Gap Rd.
Boone, N.C. 28607 Telephone: 828-264-3761 or 828-265-7600

there are alot of counties in NC and need to add all sheriff dept for each county.
i need to know the best way to add custom POI's in my go 730. i have a list of all adress's but i want them to show up as a name instead of an address.
When you are done entering the address information, the 'default' name is the street address, but you can replace that with any name you like just by typing it in. As you start to type, the street address disappears.
yea i figured that out. i was hoping for a easier way to do a batch at once. there has got to be over 100 address's.

seems no mater what i'll still have to retype them. there are in word format now with directions.
It would be a messy two step process, but there are web based applications that will take addresses and geolocate them (convert to lat/long). You could then take the results of that to POIEdit and you'd have a way to edit on your PC. It's not tidy in any case, and would likely take just as long depending upon how many entries we're talking about. How many, BTW?

One thing that might be easier is to enter the data using the emulator in Home rather than doing it on the face of the unit itself, the keyboard being easier than the touch screen.
well for sheriff departments there are 100, then i have another for prisons, not sure how many prisons in NC. the way i been doing it is to enter address in google maps then send it to the unit. it works but it takes a little bit for each entry.

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