Issues/problems with install of map 945

Witht Western_Europe, the overall size of the map folder is 1.78GB (1'917'157'376 occupied on disk). On my device, TomTom Start Classic, this leaves only 0.5 MB free. I suppose the growing MapShare will not fit the unit in few weeks and, for sure, maps 950 will not fit at all. I wonder some things:
A) I *suppose* I have no extra-files on my unit, I performed a scandisk, but - may be - I have some garbage "isntalled" in some previous update. Question: is there a sort of check-list of the system files?
B) Are there any System Files that can be safely deleted? For instance, it looks that removing poi.dat just removes the POIs (I like them, but I can survive without) and it is huge!
C) I see on the internal boarad there are pads to solder an 8-pin chip. Very likely a second flash. Did anyone try to expand the Start memory adding that chip?
D) Any other suggestions to save *lot* of memory? Just removing car icons, voices, etc. is nothing compared with the growing size of maps.
Nothing to save a lot of space. you don't need any files in the licence folder. I wouldn't remove the poi.dat file as it contains useful information about the specific pois. Also, make sure you only have 1 computer voice selected and delete all other voices, computer or not. Remove any files in the art/cars folder except for one you might be using.
Nothing to save a lot of space. you don't need any files in the licence folder. I wouldn't remove the poi.dat file as it contains useful information about the specific pois. Also, make sure you only have 1 computer voice selected and delete all other voices, computer or not. Remove any files in the art/cars folder except for one you might be using.
I removed *all* the obviously useles stuff: I left just one car icon, one voice, etc. Anyway, they count few bytes, less than 1 MB for each voice, 2030K a car while the last MapShare file for v940 (I mean the full corection just das before v945 release) was 30MB.
It looks there is no room left on StartClassic in few weeks?
That said, no one gave me sugestion to check if I have some files that are not required, I mean some dummy file created by mistake by myself or home.
You say poi.dat "contains useful information about the specific pois". Useful for me, or useful for the software to run?
Now that I think of it, that file might contain ALL the poi data for the built in categories for your map. You can try moving the file to the computer and test things out for a while without that file on the device.

If you can live with the results, so be it. If not, put the file back.

Another thought, of course, is that the device has essentially outlived its usefulness and it's time to move to a newer model with lifetime maps and traffic, perhaps. Just a thought.......
No news of segmented maps for this older model?
Another thought, of course, is that the device has essentially outlived its usefulness and it's time to move to a newer model with lifetime maps and traffic, perhaps. Just a thought.......

Well, in Italy it is still sold at full price in most shops! Anyway, I absoultely dislike a MyDrive based unit and it looks alle the new units are MyDrive based. Finally, I really like to "look inside" and know what every file is for. I just discovered some files that - I hope - can be safley removed: all the [useless] HelpMe folder and I must try also \raster folder. Anyway, I hope someone in the future can help in adding a memory chip in the room just designed for it!
Say what? TomTom Start Classic 'sold at full price in most shops'? These units are now two full generations old. WHERE are they coming up with this inventory of antiques? Are these NEW?

I would be curious, since 'Start Classic' isn't a familiar name for a 'Start' unit -- what are the first two characters in your serial number?
Say what? TomTom Start Classic 'sold at full price in most shops'? These units are now two full generations old. WHERE are they coming up with this inventory of antiques? Are these NEW?

I would be curious, since 'Start Classic' isn't a familiar name for a 'Start' unit -- what are the first two characters in your serial number?

Yes, brand new, with sealed box. The model is 1EX00, the S/N is XM11.....
OK - yes. That unit is variously known as the EASE, Start2, and Start 10 -- depends upon the market. They all had 2GB of internal memory, but no uSD slot. They were being sold new in 2010! They were also one of the most inexpensive models being sold at that time. I am amazed that any dealer still has these collecting dust on a shelf!

Other 2GB models produced more recently have been treated to what we know as 'segmented' maps. HOME will offer not the whole map, but some large portions (1/3, 1/2 or more) covering various areas of the original full map. Most recently the XXL540 received that option in HOME. However, we have no knowledge of how far back TomTom will go in their product line offering this 'segmented' option in the future.

Still, the following applies to your specific unit for 'unsegmented' maps:

The Western Europe map (945) is now 1827.37MB (covers Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Madeira, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canary Islands, the Vatican City)
The Central Europe map (945) is now 1539.35MB (covers Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Hungary, Monaco, Malta, Poland, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Netherlands, the Vatican City)

So in the future, I wonder if you might want to consider a switch to Central Europe. It depends upon where you drive.
OK - yes. That unit is variously known as the EASE, Start2, and Start 10 -- depends upon the market. They all had 2GB of internal memory, but no uSD slot. They were being sold new in 2010! They were also one of the most inexpensive models being sold at that time. I am amazed that any dealer still has these collecting dust on a shelf!

Yes, not only dealers, but even Amazon Italy!

Other 2GB models produced more recently have been treated to what we know as 'segmented' maps. HOME will offer not the whole map, but some large portions (1/3, 1/2 or more) covering various areas of the original full map. Most recently the XXL540 received that option in HOME. However, we have no knowledge of how far back TomTom will go in their product line offering this 'segmented' option in the future.

You mean that "Western Europe" is not a "segment" of Europe? And there is a possibility TomTom will fragment it?

Still, the following applies to your specific unit for 'unsegmented' maps:

The Western Europe map (945) is now 1827.37MB (covers Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Madeira, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canary Islands, the Vatican City)
The Central Europe map (945) is now 1539.35MB (covers Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Hungary, Monaco, Malta, Poland, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Netherlands, the Vatican City)

So in the future, I wonder if you might want to consider a switch to Central Europe. It depends upon where you drive.

Yes, I already noticed this, and Central Europe is fine for me while I only need Italy, France, Switzwerland, Austria and Slovenia! But here I faced a problem: in "Home 2" I followed this procedure:
But I cannot see:
3 - Expand Maps, then click Change map zone next to the map currently on your device.
Your currently installed zone is shown together with a list of other available zones for your map.

No way to select a zone here
! Any help?

Yes, Western Europe is a 'segment' of the whole continent, but has always been a huge map by itself since a map of all of Europe would never fit. But since Western Europe by itself is the biggest of the Euro maps, it has been 'zoned' into even smaller pieces for some units (not yours, I do not think) so that pieces (zones) can be loaded as needed. You buy (or already own) the Western Europe map, and take only the pieces you need at one time.

I think you can see from the procedure what they have done about creating Western Europe zones, even though it may not be possible with your unit. If enough TomTom owners will talk to them, perhaps they will also create map zones for additional units? It is probably worth a call to tech support at least. 0245281004
It is probably worth a call to tech support at least. 0245281004
Unfortunately that is TomTom support in Italy! I already had discussions with them: They say it is impossible, it is my problem. They suggested to scandisk, remove icons and voices, etc. This is "regular" stuff that I did before contacting any support site. Most support sites in Italy are like this. I tried in writing to UK support, let's see...

But, anyway, do you have any suggestions to switch from Western-Europe to Central_Europe? Where is it "configured" I want Western-Europe and not Central_Europe?
Tomtom only publishes zones if the full map won't fit. Most likely you'll get zoned mapping for map950, but if the map fit they probably won't bother zoning map 945.

If you want to save space for other things, you can delete parts of the map. In the map folder

1) Delete any file that starts with cspeech. Those are speech recognition dictionaries for voice recognition, which won't be used on non-microphone devices like the start. Hopefully Tomtom already deleted those for you.
2) Consider deleting faces.dat. This is the background colors file (rivers/forests/etc), it's removal will not impact streets or navigation.
3) POI files are the next step, but it does hinder functionality. crpoi.dat is the poi details file, which supports the "more info" button on poi search. It contains address/phone number, etc. poi.dat is the core poi file which contains the POI name and map coordinates. You could consider deleting one or both but you lose the corresponding functionality.
But, anyway, do you have any suggestions to switch from Western-Europe to Central_Europe? Where is it "configured" I want Western-Europe and not Central_Europe?
Unfortunately, it is not 'configured', it is (ouch) a separate map. I am guessing that you have some sort of map subscription that you have purchased -- and that this is how/why you are now updating your map to 945. IF you are OK with the countries in the Central Europe map, then next time, I would change the subscription to that map. If you need Western Europe for your driving, you will have to keep removing things to allow it to fit (for example, per mvl suggestions above) unless/until TomTom creates zones for Western Europe for your model.
Tomtom only publishes zones if the full map won't fit. Most likely you'll get zoned mapping for map950, but if the map fit they probably won't bother zoning map 945.


If you want to save space for other things, you can delete parts of the map. In the map folder

1) Delete any file that starts with cspeech. Those are speech recognition dictionaries for voice recognition, which won't be used on non-microphone devices like the start. Hopefully Tomtom already deleted those for you.
2) Consider deleting faces.dat. This is the background colors file (rivers/forests/etc), it's removal will not impact streets or navigation.
3) POI files are the next step, but it does hinder functionality. crpoi.dat is the poi details file, which supports the "more info" button on poi search. It contains address/phone number, etc. poi.dat is the core poi file which contains the POI name and map coordinates. You could consider deleting one or both but you lose the corresponding functionality.

This is VERY interesting, Thanks!
Do you know if anywhere on the Forum (or on the web) I can find full information about the contents of the various files?
There's nothing formally posted about the contents, we (users) just did trial and error over the years.
I have a TT XXl 540S TM (North America)

Since the past 2 or 3 map updates I have been bugging TT support(email & phone) for map offered in zones because of lack of space on my unit.

Finally got it with map 945 (Eastern USA & Canada).

However with this update I have lost my favorites and personal pois.

Through a Windows backup of my previous full map, favorites were easily recovered by copying the file " mapsettings.cfg " but not the pois.

I would really appreciate help in recovering all my pois...what folder or/and files do I have to copy.

Any custom POI you have saved will be named as *.ov2 files, with your category name, whatever it was, on the front. For example, hortons.ov2. Check your map folder for those as well as the mapsettings.cfg file for the rest.

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