Installation problems/issues with map 965

At what point in the process is this happening? Tell us all that you have done up to the point where that screen occurs.
At what point in the process is this happening? Tell us all that you have done up to the point where that screen occurs.
When I go to the TT update page, it says I have an update of V 9.65 3920MB. My TT Via 1530 is plugged into the computer and the computer confirms it is connected. When I click on the update selected, the TT screen on the computer says "Downloading content to your computer". It sits at 0% for a few seconds and the the TT unit screen says "Something has gone wrong... Check your computer for more information. The TT screen on the computer and on the Via 1530 remain that way.
So that we're clear, you have the MyDrive Connect screen up, and you click on "Update Selected", and the "Downloading..." gas gauge sits at 0%, and then you get the "Something has gone wrong.." message? Is that correct?
So that we're clear, you have the MyDrive Connect screen up, and you click on "Update Selected", and the "Downloading..." gas gauge sits at 0%, and then you get the "Something has gone wrong.." message? Is that correct?
Yes, everything you stated above is correct. The gas gauge sits at 0% and the TT Via 1530 gets the "Something has gone wrong...." "Check your computer for information" and that's the way it stays.
Can you assure us that you're using one of the primary USB ports for your computer? For example, on a desktop, that would be one of the rear ports.
Is the port being used on the PC USB2 or USB3?
Are you using a cable that came with your TomTom?

1. Clear the MyDrive Connect cache via right click of MyDrive Connect system tray icon: Cog wheel > Settings > Cache > "Empty the cache" (you won't get a positive response, but it will empty the cache)
2. Close MyDrive Connect by right clicking the system tray icon again and by selecting the "Quit" button.
3. With the unit turned off and disconnected, press and hold the power button until you see the TomTom logo and hear the drums, then IMMEDIATELY release the button. This reboots the device.
4. Reconnect the device to the PC and MyDrive Connect should come up automatically If not, fire it up manually.
5. Retry your update.
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Can you assure us that you're using one of the primary USB ports for your computer? For example, on a desktop, that would be one of the rear ports.
Is the port being used on the PC USB2 or USB3?
Are you using a cable that came with your TomTom?

1. Clear the MyDrive Connect cache via right click of MyDrive Connect system tray icon: Cog wheel > Settings > Cache > "Empty the cache" (you won't get a positive response, but it will empty the cache)
2. Close MyDrive Connect by right clicking the system tray icon again and by selecting the "Quit" button.
3. With the unit turned off and disconnected, press and hold the power button until you see the TomTom logo and hear the drums, then IMMEDIATELY release the button. This reboots the device.
4. Reconnect the device to the PC and MyDrive Connect should come up automatically If not, fire it up manually.
5. Retry your update.

I'm using a MacBook Pro laptop with the latest El Capitan operating system. I have used this equipment including the TT cable and all original equipment to update many many times and have successfully downloaded small community updates and the last Winter update, no problems. Up until yesterday when I attempted the 9.65 download, everything worked perfectly. This is the first time I've encountered this situation. Is it possible it's not my equipment but Tom Toms?
I'll try your above solution and get back.

I'm using a MacBook Pro laptop with the latest El Capitan operating system. I have used this equipment including the TT cable and all original equipment to update many many times and have successfully downloaded small community updates and the last Winter update, no problems. Up until yesterday when I attempted the 9.65 download, everything worked perfectly. This is the first time I've encountered this situation. Is it possible it's not my equipment but Tom Toms?
I'll try your above solution and get back.


Tried the above fix and still the same problem.
Call support then:

866 486 6866
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EDT
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EDT
It might take a while. Don't think TomTom was aware of the problem initially. Do call so they can log the issue (again).
Yes, happening here too. Will try calling CS tomorrow. *sigh*

TT GO 2535

You have a TT GO 2535 and I have a TT VIA 1535. Obviously the problem doesn't play favorites. You would think Tom Tom is already aware of this problem. I'm sure the problem is worldwide and Tom Tom is very aware of the problem.
I will also attempt to call CS tomorrow an tell them also. Good luck and hopefully all of us will get our devices working properly.
Adding my 2 cents to this discussion...

I have a TT VIA 1535 and I was updating my device today. I had the usual two updates for the satellite positions and for the community map "updates". And I also had the updates for the maps I have installed: the USA/Canada/Mexico map and the map for Iberia (Portugal and Spain).

The first three updates (satellite and community) went smoothly, with no visible issues. When it came to last map (North America) I experienced the exact same symptoms as described above. Precisely the same. I conclude that the problem is universal and seems to be restricted to the USA/Canada/Mexico map. Also, this clearly excludes any possible issues with my computer or with my device or cables or USB ports.

For a moment I was wondering if the problem could be somehow connected to the available space. My Iberia map is installed in the device itself, which shows 949 MB used and 2749 MB free. The NA map is installed in a memory card that shows 3947 MB used and 3692 MB free. This said, the size of the update shows as 3920 MB, which is more than the space available in the memory card. Does anyone think that this could be the issue? If so, would it be safe for me to uninstall the North America map from my memory card and then retry installing the update? Or could this cause any issue with the "update", since the original map would no longer be there?

Now, I'm at a big disadvantage on what concerns calling TT customer service. I am now in "Iberia", with a huge time zone differential for the US, on the one hand, and on the other, I have no access to the free customer service number from abroad. With this in mind, I ask canderson or dhn if they could kindly report here any hints regarding progress being made by TT towards a timely solution or any idea about where the problem may be located?

Thanks in advance for any info/help provided.

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