Installing European Maps - Major Help Needed Please

Nov 14, 2007
I bought a 720 in the US in August. I moved to Italy in September. As you all know, European maps are not available for the 720, so she sat in her carrying case until today. On every TomTom website except the US version, they now have v7.10 Maps of Western Europe. I bought the Map using the UK website.
I have been trying to install the map using HOME, as required, but I cannot get anywhere. I need your help since TomTom support is nearly completely useless.

I can purchase the map and install all of the other 'updates', like additional voices without any issues. But, the Maps of Western Europe, that I have already bought, says "Forbidden" and will not install.

What does "Forbidden" mean? How can I install European Maps on my 720? Does anyone have any experience with this?

Thanks to you all in advance.


  • tomtom forbidden.jpg
    tomtom forbidden.jpg
    39.4 KB · Views: 438
This may be totally wrong ..... however.....

If your Tomtom 720 does not have the additional SD card, then you are limited to the 2 gigs internal storage on the unit. Maybe, somehow, the software 'knows' you have too little space left on your unit to install the new map (it's over 1.2 gigs, isn't it?).

If I'm correct (don't bet on it :eek: ) try removing stuff from the unit (like old maps) through the TTHome software BUT MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A TOTAL UNIT BACKUP FIRST.

Then try to dl the new Western Europe Map again and see what happens. If that doesn't work and nobody else here can help, I'm afraid a call to TT Support may be in order.
I agree with dhn in that make sure your 720 has enough room for the 7.10 Western Europe which is about 1.7GB.

It could also be something wrong with your account associated with your device in which you need to call TomTom support to fix.
These maps will need to be purchased from TomTom
go to then log in and change the language on the top right to united kingdom. On the left hand side, select maps. Next click on the flash image it will take you to another page.
It will ask you for your device and select the new map you want and proceed to the check out.

Good luck

He said he DID purchase the map, if I understand correctly. He's running into problems trying to install it.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

In that case, I would contact TT Support. Im not sure if this is a problem on their end or there isn't enough space in your 720.
If they tell you to install in a SD card. I would purchase a big SD card and copy all the contents of your 720 to that card. Next would be to delete the NA map as the European Map can be installed on that.
The screenshot clearly indicates that download of the map is 'forbidden', and that is why installation cannot continue. The map has not been downloaded! It is nothing to do with space on the card (at this stage anyway).

My guess is that there has been a problem processing your payment or something. You will have to call customer support if this has not already resolved itself.

BTW, when you do get the map you don't need to delete the old one or transfer anything from the internal memory, if you have an SD card. Just put the new map on the SD card and the TomTom will be able to use it from there.

Thanks 'Spook', you understand the situation. I cannot download the Map from TomTom's website. This situation is not related to storage space, I am trying to install the new maps onto a new 2g SD card.

Do I need to format the new SD card or install any additional files before I try to install the Maps?

My issue is that I am currently in Italy and I don't speak Italian well enough to call TomTom Italy customer support and resolve this problem. Alternatively, I have tried to call UK CustSupp, but hold times are very long, and it's costing me 1.50 Euro per minute for the international mobile call.

As you all know, emailing TomTom support is a long dead-end - 20 emails and counting without a single response - 3 months hence.

I only have limited access to internet, so Skype calling US TT CustServ is out - thus, I only have this forum as an option for resolution.

Does anyone know what the 'forbidden' error message means? Have you ever seen that before? Has anyone out there actually successfully installed the v7.10 maps on a GO 720?

I have to be honest, I am very tech-literate consumer, but after nearly 3 months of this, I can conclude nothing short of TomTom being the worst consumer product maker I have ever experienced.
20 emails over 3months without a response is quite unbelievable! I am not surprised that you are unhappy.

I have never seen a 'forbidden' message before, so I am just guessing at possible causes. One other thought I have had; You mention limited internet access. Could you perhaps be trying this from a PC that is firewalled? Maybe the download is being blocked. Do you have the option of trying again from a PC in a different location?

If I were you, I would call the Italian customer support number and speak English to them. I am sure that they will be able to deal with your problem in English. If not, they are probably able to transfer your call across their internal systems to the English CS.
You might be a genius Spook

It looks like you might be right about the reason for the 'forbidden' message..

I am using a connection that might automatically block downloads over a certain size - since I have downloaded other 'updates' from TomTom that are a few kilobits without issue, the Maps at 1.7gig would trigger an automatic block.

I will try from another connection and see if I have the same issue. However, quality internet connections in this part of Italy are as common as igloos.

I will report any new findings - thank you for being smart.
Well, I hope that you get it sorted. I am always happy to try and help in any way I can.

If using a different connection doesn't fix it, I think your only remaining option will be that call to Italian customer support.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out....

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