How to copy poi and favourites from old version tomtom for wm to new for iphone

Jun 4, 2013
us canada
TomTom Model(s)
tomtom for iphone
How to copy poi and favourites from old version tomtom for wm to new for iphone?
Old version of tomtom for wm is 7.450.90
new version of tom tom is iphone version
both of them have maps for us and canada.
I'm feeling dense. What is "wm"?
Thanks for that. That gives me a point of departure.


I'm unfamiliar with the specifics of the Windows Mobile platform with TomTom, but I am unaware of ANY other format for POI files on any platform other than *.ov2 files. If you have loaded *.ov2 files to a device previously, they should plug and play on the new device, right along with any *.bmp icons that were created that are associated with those POI.

As for favorites, it's a bit trickier. Did the old Windows Mobile platform contain a file called mapsettings.cfg in the same folder that contains your map? If so, we should be able to extract the favorites information from that.
wm- windows mobile
Yes i have checked, i have all of these files in my old windows device.
should i copy all these files from my old device to the same folders of tom tom in my iphone?
There's a bit of a trick to doing much of anything with an iPhone (they tend to like to lock them down quite well). You'll need a file system program like DiskAid to access the areas of your phone required to install the POI files. You'll need to be up to at least v1.13 of your TomTom application, and have a copy of DiskAid handy.

V1.13 allows you to put your own poi in a folder called 'poi' under the document folder using Diskaid. You'll see where the 'breakthrough' occurred on TomTom's own forum, at this link >>>

Some decent instructions can be found here >>>
Sometimes transferring the Mapsettings.cfg file is not always compatible or does not always work, but what has worked every time (so far) is to create a POI of your own then add all your own favourites to the POI.

The first time is a bit long-winded as you have to select the favourites one-by-one to add to the newly created POI.

Also once created if you want to re-add them back to a favourite, just select the poi as a journey followed by sending it to your saved favourites.
What I was proposing was to actually extract his favorites from his mapsettings.cfg file. At that point, I agree that creating a POI from that data is the way to go (for several reasons), not least of which is that we avoid the "long-winded" issue entirely. There are tools for visiting the content of a mapsettings.cfg file that work pretty well (e.g., POIEdit).

Obviously not knowing the capabilities of the OP, I think possibly creating a POI might be a simple solution.

Maybe this will also be of use to anyone else who wants to know how to do it, even though it is a long-winded way to do it.


How to save individual Favourites in a POI

Because sometimes when transferring the Mapsettings.cfg file it does not always work, but what has worked every time (so far) is to create a POI of your own then add all your own favourites to the POI.
But, the first time it's a bit long-winded as you have to select the favourites one-by-one to add to the newly created POI.

Also once created if you want to add them back to favourites, just select the individual poi as a journey then followed by sending it to your saved favourites from your 'Recent Journey' file.

1. To create a POI:
a. Select, Manage POIs.
b. Select, 'Add POI category' and give it memorable name.
(I would suggest something like -1 Favourites that way it will always be at the top of your POI list, making it easier to find and use each time)

2. To add a favourite to the POI:
a. Select, Add POI.
b. Select your newely created POI.
c. Select, Favourite.
d. Select the favourite you want to add to the POI, and any information that you also want to attach such as telephone number.

This last stage (2) will have to be repeated for each favourite you want to add to your POI category,
so it might be a good idea to make a note of each favourite you have already selected so not to waste time selecting the same one more than once.

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