Horrible Routing

May 18, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
VIA 1505
I have a Via 1505 with updated maps. I recently went on a trip to Fla. where the GPS was more harm than good. It is set to Fastest and IQ enabled.
It sent me thru Jacksonville on 95 instead of 295 to 10 which is longer and slower. On the return trip it tried to send me thru Orlando on 4 which is 30 miles longer and over 30 minutes longer than staying on 75. Then to top it off it tried to send me off 95 in Wash. DC onto 395 that goes thru the center of town.

Are all TomToms this bad? What am I doing wrong? I talked to tech support which was a waste of time. They had me send them all sorts of directions and addresses and never answered the question.

I am very frustrated and have no trust in this unit.
Do you have the traffic receiver for your Via 1505? You don't mention it either way.
No traffic. I have to check the map but I update it as soon as I receive the notification. None of these roads mentioned have changed in 20+ years.
I just inherited a TomTom. What a joke. I live in Key Largo and was heading to Key West. The destination address was entered correctly and is 101 miles away. There is one highway, US1. The GPS showed my correct position and told me that I should make a U-turn every two minutes and once on the Seven Mile Bridge. It also showed my destination as a 5 hour trip ahead. From the comments, giving wrong directions is standard programming for TomTom. Has anyone found a fix other that buy a different GPS?
Don't waste your time contacting TomTom support. You will be contacted by someone who probably knows less than you do. They will have you waste a lot of time doing resets and reloads to find out it is the same as before. Their program for calculating how to get from point A to point B is definitely flawed.
Use of my TomTom has caused far more grief than it has been helpful.
Build a reliable product that does what it is supposed to do. :mad:
What is the map version?
See here: https://uk.support.tomtom.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/12214/locale/en_gb

What planning restrictions are on the device?
No planning restrictions that I can find. I just went through the map information on their website. I can buy a new Garmin at Walmart for less than the cost of a new map. I'm going the new GPS route as I don't have the confidence that TomTom has fixed the flaws in their programming. Works fine until you enter a destination, but the destination is what it's all about.
I just inherited a TomTom. What a joke. I live in Key Largo and was heading to Key West. The destination address was entered correctly and is 101 miles away. There is one highway, US1. The GPS showed my correct position and told me that I should make a U-turn every two minutes and once on the Seven Mile Bridge. It also showed my destination as a 5 hour trip ahead. From the comments, giving wrong directions is standard programming for TomTom. Has anyone found a fix other that buy a different GPS?
I've drive that myself (from Miami) with two different TomTom units (an old 720 and a newer 1535) and have never seen what you are describing. One wonders why you are having this 'unique' experience. I can still plan that route on my old 740 and get a sensible looking 2 and a half hours, give or take. Then again, it is 12:30am there at the moment -- no traffic!

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