Getting POI info. by tapping on the screen

Aug 31, 2010
Hi, I have a tomtom 335 xl. I just bought it, and want to know how I can while driving just tap on a POI, so it displays the name and phone #. So far the only way I see to do that is to switch to browse maps.

Also, seems like the street names don't show until sometimes I am at or passing a sidestreet, is there anyway to adjust this?

Tapping the main screen takes you the menu which is the Tomtom way. Magellan allows you to touch a POI on the screen for more info.

Street names are only shown for those streets you can actually drive to. You may not see streetnames for ones that the road you are on does not intersect.
Hi, I have a tomtom 335 xl. I just bought it, and want to know how I can while driving just tap on a POI, so it displays the name and phone #. So far the only way I see to do that is to switch to browse maps.
Unfortunately that seems to be the way Tom Tom's user interface is designed.
On my old Garmin what you want was possible and I had felt that it was a very useful feature - but does not seem to be possible on any model of Tom Tom at all.

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