Found shorter route - how to correct it on TOMTOM 720

What is a "quick menu"? That's a new term for me...

It's enabled by going to Change Preferences > Quick Menu Preferences (4th page if you haven't altered your menu using Menu Builder or hardcoding). You select which "quick" options you want (up to 6) from the list and when you click on "Done," a little green arrow will appear on left side of you map (when you tap it, those 6 or less options you've selected will be available to you).

If interested, mine is set to:
  • Mark location of map error
  • Add position to Favorites
  • Change 2D/3D display
  • Unite night colors (even though it's set to Auto)
  • Call (need to have BT enabled to work)
  • Speak (dialog) (need to to have Voice Recognition enabled)

Hope this helps...
What I'd like to see on TT or 3'rd party is a way to have the voice talk back to you a bit. Right now I have DR. Evil has me voice and if I take a diffrent way then he says I think it would be great to have him say "you Idot follow my directions" or some thing like that. Or Yoda saying "follow my directions you must" I just think it would be a blast.:D

HAHAHHA that's funny!! That really would be funny to hear it say follow my directions you idiot. It would be telling me that all the time. :D

Question though regarding itinerary if anyone could help. I did put in instructions such as:

1st destination Perth On
2nd destination Westport On
3rd destination Verona On
4th destination Enterprise On

Which is in fact the fastest way to this destination from Ottawa. Now I have saved the file and loaded it. However when I hit view details it is only showing me to Perth. How do I get it to piece all together to show the whole trip? is that even possible?
What is a "quick menu"? That's a new term for me...

And yeah, GO and STOP would be preferable for the route selection... But an automatic long/lat reading every second when recording roads that aren't on the map would be needed to "paint" an accurate picture of the road and it's bends/curves.
You XL owners gotta get with the program here on the 720 threads!

We have the option for selecting a number of possible "quick menu" menus. A rather transparent icon appears in the center left of our nav screens. Touching this takes the user to the menus they want to have at ready access.
You XL owners gotta get with the program here on the 720 threads!

We have the option for selecting a number of possible "quick menu" menus. A rather transparent icon appears in the center left of our nav screens. Touching this takes the user to the menus they want to have at ready access.
Sorry, I guess I forget to pay attention to which forum the New Posts are appearing in... Mah bad!

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