Delete Share Info? + Accuracy

Oct 26, 2010
Just got a XXL 540S (refurb)
Issue #1. After entering a search for restaurants nearby, I came across a known restaurant that was shown at a location that was miles from it's actual location. In another instance it showed a location with a person's name instead of the location's real name. When I deleted the POI TT asked if I wanted to delete "White HorseRestaurant"?
Is there a way to remove all user created data?

Issue #2. After manually Inputting a destination (state,city,street,number) I did a demo run and the TT sent me more than a mile beyond my destination.
Is this typical performance?
1. Restore to Factory Defaults will remove all custom settings, yours and somebody else's but will restore the settings to 'out of the box'.

2. If there is a bad map error for that location (which there seems to be). You can correct some map errors via mapshare corrections.
OK, so I restored the 540 to factory defaults, but the POI's still show what are obviously user provided data. That would include misplaced locations, grammatical errors & misspellings. Any other suggestions I can try?
Can you not edit the poi in question via mapshare corrections? I think so.

Also, don't assume the spelling mistakes, incorrect locations, etc. were done by users. It may very well be faulty data by the company hired by TomTom to manage the poi data.

You know, Garbage In = Garbage Out.:(
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Alright, GIGO understood. But how do I correct the following?
Regarding issue #2 in my original post, I found that the map has reversed the numbering scheme of this road and that was the reason I was directed to the wrong location. I was sent to the opposite end of the road.
I had previously used a 6 year old Garmon StreetPilot 330 and had never seen these issues. How can I trust where my TT is taking me?
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Regarding issue #2 in my original post, I found that the map has reversed the numbering scheme of this road and that was the reason I was directed to the wrong location. I was sent to the opposite end of the road.
Even in my own town, I quickly learned that E and W (and N and S) are really something I tend to forget here. Sometimes a town will only specify S for streets and assume N, and the same can occur with E and W. In my town, they will specify 1290 Main when talking north side of town, but will always say 1290 SOUTH Main St on the south side. How TeleAtlas (the map outfit that made your map) deals with this is important to how an address is entered.

If you'll provide the address you had in mind, and which side of town the real target was on, we can look it up and see how the compass directions might play out in the addresses there.
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LOL The name of the street is just plain EAST Street. #35
Located in Harrisville RI

35 East st is located at the Western end of East St, The map places it at the Eastern end of the road.

Google maps gets it right BTW..
Taking a look .. am guessing you mean East Ave. I see that Google has it right with the lower numbers west and the higher numbers east out to Victory Hwy. You are correct that the TeleAtlas map has it backwards -- exactly the right range of addresses, but with low numbers east and high numbers west. Not something you often see.

That's an error that would probably be best addressed (pun intended) directly to TeleAtlas, the folks that make the TomTom maps. You can use the TeleAtlas site to describe your problem: Map Insight
OK, so I restored the 540 to factory defaults, but the POI's still show what are obviously user provided data. That would include misplaced locations, grammatical errors & misspellings. Any other suggestions I can try?

Custom POIs are not deleted with master resets, as some are paid datasets and Tomtom doesn't want to erase them on you.

If you want to delete the POIs, go to "Manage POI" on the Tomtom, and look for any custom POI categories and delete them.

Then go to Tomtom HOME, connect the XXL, and do Tools -> Mapshare -> remove all corrections

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