Delete Mexico map from XXL540S ?

Maps supplied by TomTom that cover a specific area cannot be further broken down as the data storage methods they use don't allow for this (unlike some other GPS Nav vendors like Sygic, I-Go etc)

If you are running short of storage space remove some of the voice files you will never need as that typically will free up around 50MB, next strip out the contents of the Raster folder as the device is quite happy to run devoid of these files and they only show up when fully zoomed out in Browse Map so they are not something you will really miss - Mike
Hi Mike.
I found it ..1.97MB
should i delete the whole folder ...?
"There are alot files in there" .....Kind of nevous ...
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If your device has a raster folder on it then the files you can delete will be in it, European units have this folder and its a quick way to reclaim 13MB of space - Mike
Got it ....
Just delete everything and leave the empty "raster" folder there ...Right ..?
Thanks .
(BTW..why is it so big in EU units..?)
Maps supplied by TomTom that cover a specific area cannot be further broken down as the data storage methods they use don't allow for this (unlike some other GPS Nav vendors like Sygic, I-Go etc)

If you are running short of storage space remove some of the voice files you will never need as that typically will free up around 50MB, next strip out the contents of the Raster folder as the device is quite happy to run devoid of these files and they only show up when fully zoomed out in Browse Map so they are not something you will really miss - Mike
I'm new to navigation devices and have been wondering about this. I would delete Mexico from my XXL540 if I could. Thanks for this information.

This raises a new question: Can I substitute a "USA only" map for the USA-Canada-Mexico map in my XXL540TM? That would give me much for space for stuff I would really use.

Maps supplied by TomTom that cover a specific area cannot be further broken down as the data storage methods they use don't allow for this (unlike some other GPS Nav vendors like Sygic, I-Go etc)

If you are running short of storage space remove some of the voice files you will never need as that typically will free up around 50MB, next strip out the contents of the Raster folder as the device is quite happy to run devoid of these files and they only show up when fully zoomed out in Browse Map so they are not something you will really miss - Mike

How do I remove the voice files and the contents of the Raster folder? I've searched my XXL540TM menus but can't figure out how to access them or remove them.


UPDATE: Sorry.... I found what I was looking for using tomtom home.
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As far as I'm concerned, this whole "Lifetime Map Updates" is as bogus as a three dollar bill. I just bought the XXL340M and after the first update, all I have left is 40meg of space. I'm willing to bet that in LESS THAN ONE YEAR, this device will be rendered useless for updating due to lack of space. Any takers? .......... Thank's a lot tomtom ......real slick.

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