Corrupt maps after update GO6100

Sep 25, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Hi guys, more issues after an update. Thought I'd brave an update as it's been a while, what a mistake that was.

I now have a 6100 that just displays the "no maps installed" screen and nothing else. Cannot access the menu for a hard reset (I've tried the button till the BIOS style screen displays, not sure if that is the same as a hard reset though). Mydrive says it's all up to date but with a corrupt map. I've tried clearing the cache and re-downloading (and tried the repair option) the map but always the same result, goes through the motions updating the unit but then says some of your items did not install correctly (update failed- please go to Mydrive connect and try again). Currently I'm just going round in circles.

I've been in contact with TomTom support for the last 48hrs but they don't seem to have any answers.

Is it because I use Windows 10 Pro? I also tried it on my laptop that still runs Win 7 but got the same result....

Any help much appreciated as I use it (or at used to) every day as a professional driver and it is much missed.

Regards to you all.
1.) Does MyDrive Connect actually say that the map is corrupt?
What is the exact wording?

2.) A (Factory) Reset and view of the 'Bios' screen is not the same.

3.) When you hear the drum roll while holding down the power button, let go of it as soon as you hear the sound.
At this time the Bios screen should not come up but the devices should bout itself including the world map and the progress bar at the bottom.

4.) I still no changes no changes, hold the button again until the bios screen shows. At that time press the power button 3 times in rapid succession.
The device should then start to revert to the last fail safe operating system installed.

Please give an answer to #1. It may provide the right clue to the other, more qualified moderators.
Hi guys, thanks for the replies, and thanks for all of the above suggestions.
My drive was reporting that the map was corrupt. In hindsight I believe I was not giving it a full factory reset (thanks for the tip about the three button taps, I've not read that anywhere else).
I eventually got it to work by loading the smallest map on the system (just to prove that everything worked), it was small enough (NZ) to be able to sit there and watch it load. After loading that I could then get into the menu system and do the manual SW reset. After that the UK maps loaded first time. I now have both loaded so if ever I go to NZ I'll be fine now.... :)

Thanks & Regards to you all.

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