Can't figure out how to fix red x

Since we have gone from this:
"Either way, when I attach the TT back up to the computer, it launches HOME, but HOME doesn't recognize that a device is connected."
to this:
"Now HOME isn't launching itself. It was last night ... so I don't know what is going on."
then either the device or its connector or the cable or your PC USB port is no longer capable of sustaining a connection. I feel like we're trying to hit a moving target now.

If other USB devices (do you have a thumb drive to try?) work in your USB port, then I can only recommend trying another comparable cable to see if you can get your ONE 2nd to connect. If we cannot get a reliable USB connection, there is nothing we can do to complete a repair the problems you have been facing.
Ok, so I tried another cord that I know works and when I plug the unit in, it launches HOME, but HOME still says no device connected. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Just to be clear on a couple of things:
1. You DO have an Explorer backup?
2. The unit is seen as a removable drive by the computer?
3. Home doesn't show the unit as connected?

If the answer to all three of the questions is 'yes', then (under the catgory of 'nothing to lose')

a. Delete all the loose files on the sd card, NO folders or their contents.
b. With the sd card inserted into the unit, connect to Home again. See if Home DOES recognize there is a unit connected and offer an application. If so, accept, install and disconnect properly from Home using the DEvice disconnect icon.

If Home does not recognize the unit and offer an application, you can just use Explorer to restore your backup to the card.
When you say use Explorer to restore the back up, do you mean just copying the files from my back up file back to the SD card? I had tried that and the red x did not go away & HOME still doesn't recognize the device as connected.
Yes, that's what I meant.

So I gather you did delete the loose files but Home didn't offer an application???
I had completely reformatted the sd card and then copied the back up files back onto the sd card. Should I have only copied back the folders and not the loose files?
I was hoping you would have tried putting back the sd card into the unit without the loose files on it, just the Folders.

I wanted to know if Home would offer an application........ but either you didn't try that scenario or you just haven't let me know the results ..... yet.

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