Be careful when working with tech support!!

Sep 13, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
Suggestion ....
Backup everything from the internal memory before you contact tech support.

Here is my story .....
My GO720 start having intermittent problem after the last firmware upgrade.
The unit can be working fine on one trip, shutdown fine afterward.
But when I turn it on next time, it might show the splash screen but then jump right to the green shutdown screen, and the unit will shutdown by itself.
The only way to startup the device again is to do a soft reset.
It happened a few times already, so I decided to call tech support.
That is when the nightmare starts.

First thing the tech support suggest is to remove and reinstall the program on my 720. I asked if I should backup anything first .. and the guy said "no".
I was stupid enough to think that he knows what he is doing.
So, I follow his instruction to remove the program on my 720.
Then, he ask me to go to "update my go" in tomtom home, but it didn't show any update for my 720. (there is no program inside the 720, but tomtom home said there is no update available)
Then, the guy put me on hold for a few minutes, came back and ask me to download a install program which will install an old version of the program back to the 720. After that, tomtom home report that there is an update for the program ... so we proceed with the upgrade.
After the install, the device will not come up correctly ..... it will show the splash screen ... and then if jump to a screen with white and gray lines .... and it will continues to flip between that screen and another screen with diagonal white and gray patterns .... it almost like a screen resolution problem on a PC monitor.
Anyway, the guy put me on hold again .... and came back with another files for me to download ..... after trying to drag and drop files onto the 720 directly ... and still couldn't get the device to startup.
Then, he transfer me to another department which suggest me to start the RMA process (to send the device in for warranty repair). :mad:

Anyway, I was lucky that FutureShop (where I bought the 720) still agree to Exchange the unit for me. So, I don't have to go through the shipping and waiting game.

But the lesson learnt from this is .....
Always backup the whole internal memory before you make any changes.
Im working at FS and i often got people bringing back their unit for exchange and when i hook them up to see that they had erased their maps or application

I have seen it a few times in the forum that TomTom support is asking user to do that ... trying to get around / fix a problem.

In my case, tech support is not able to install the program again once they have removed it from the device.
That definitely isn't glowing remarks for Tech Support. Our agency has 25 Go 510s and I have worked with tech support on several occasions. In some cases I have explained a problem to a tech and get nothing but silence. I have decided to give the 720 one more try (my wife got me one...I think for Christmas). I originally had one when the first release in the US and went through issues with Bluetooth and the SD card. I thought a lot of the problem was it was a new model and the kinks would get worked out. I sure hope so or it is off to return the unit and a try at Garmin.

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