540TM XXL automatic start upon engine start

Feb 21, 2011
I use my TomTom 540TM XXL on my Gold Wing motorcycle. I know I'm able to get the device to switch off when cutting off power supply upon bike shutdown but would like to be able to have the device automatically power up when re-starting the bike. Is this possible?
Is this possible?
Nope, and believe us when we say you're FAR from the first to ask for this. TomTom has had several years of feedback on that issue, and up until now, hasn't answered. While your 540 will never get that as a feature (it's a hardware issue, not just firmware), it wouldn't surprise me to see that feature appear again one of these days.
Thank you for your feedback, canderson. I have been told this feature is available on the Garmin. I guess those that desire this feature will need to consider something other then TomTom.
Thank you for your feedback, canderson. I have been told this feature is available on the Garmin. I guess those that desire this feature will need to consider something other then TomTom.
At least for the moment, yes. Each brand has it's unique abilities, and it's always a trade-off between how a person uses one and what's being offered.

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