1005 Go Live (Camper) Start Up Loop.

Feb 15, 2016
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Obsolescent Go Live 1005 Camper
My 1005 has been nowt but trouble from the word "GO". Pun intended.

After a recent attempt at an update, it entered a start up loop.

TomTom Screen - Start-up Screen - "We require some information etc. etc." screen, ad infinitum.

I e-mailed the boffins and was given a link to a sequence of operations which subsequently actually seemed to have restored the device.

When I turned it on, it operated correctly and revealed the maps and options as it should.

However, when I tried to plan a route, it entered the loop again and despite several more efforts at applying the recommended 'fix', it steadfastly refused to operate correctly.

I e-mailed Tomtom once again and was told that I should try the 'fix' again, (which I did, at least three times more) and that if that did not restore the device, sadly it was no longer repairable, BUT they would offer me a 25% discount on a new device.

The device no longer functions and after 4 years of intermittently successful use it has to be consigned to the bin,.

What a waste of over £300 !!!

I am finished with TomTom.

Try speaking to a real person. You are NOT the only person complaining about this rebooting problem, not by a long shot:

United Kingdom
02079 490 132
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Not being able to talk to a real person over the weekend, as their support team people are on a five day week, I replied to them, and told them, very politely, what I thought of their product.
This morning I received the following message:-

I understand from your email that the device is still not starting up. Please be assured that I will put my best efforts to assist you.
I have checked with the internal team and they informed that this is a on going issue with the GO LIVE 1005.

I have escalated the request to them.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please allow us some more time so that the team can fix the issue. Once the issue is fixed we will let you know about the update on the issue .
Alternatively, if you wish to purchase a new device, I can offer you a 25% off on the latest models and also a free protective case as well. (Big Deal, eh ?)
Please do let me know if you require any further help in future and I will be more than happy to help you.
Thank you for your time and for giving me an opportunity to assist you.
With Kind Regards,
TomTom Customer Care Team

So there we have it. There is nothing actually wrong with my device, it just won't function because their software/servers/programmers/etc.are not really much bloody good. basically not fit for purpose.


Me again,
I received another response after my having told them what I thought of their kit.

I understand that you are having issues in updating the device through MyDrive connect application. Please be assured that I will put my best efforts to assist you.
In this case I see that the issue may occur due corrupted download files in the computer. Please follow the steps below to clear the cache and files from MyDrive.

1- Open MyDrive application on computer.

2- Click on the setting icon on top right corner of the application.

3- Go to the Download tab.

4- Click on empty download folder.

5- Restart MyDrive and try updating the device.

Please perform a Factory reset and try connecting the device to the computer and check for updates. The update will be preformed and the device will reboot automatically during the update.After the reboot test the device and update us with any issues.

Please do let me know if you require any further help in future and I will be more than happy to help you.
Thank you for your time and for giving me an opportunity to assist you.

Needless to say I tried it, but it made no difference.
One little point however;
How is a factory reset carried out on the 1005 unit.
I thought it was just holding the button down and waiting for the drum roll ?
Then I thought it might be to carry on holding the button down, waiting for the black screen covered with white text, and tapping the button three times to access the TomTom "Cog-Wheel" symbol, before connecting to MyDrive Connect and being 'Reset".
Now it looks as if the Factory reset can only be carried out from the TomTom menu on the device, which I can nor longer access.
Any ideas, ……….. anybody ?
That's exactly what I did.

Then I thought it might be to carry on holding the button down, waiting for the black screen covered with white text, and tapping the button three times to access the TomTom "Cog-Wheel" symbol, before connecting to MyDrive Connect and being 'Reset".

BUT, when the cogwheel appeared and I connected the device it just reverted to the TomTom drum roll screen almost immediately, then the start screen, then the "We require some information etc. etc." screen, and cycled ad infinitum.

It really is time for the bin, and maybe a Garmin.

I am of the considered opinion that TomTom is a very poorly performing outfit, when it comes to supporting purchasers of their equipment, or even providing decent kit in the first place..
Still on this boring topic, I am in ongoing communication with TomTom with regard to this particular fault, and have now entered this problem into "Resolver".
TomTom's response was immediate.
Their initial offer, after informing me that the device was broken, and could no longer be repaired as it was "too old", was a 25% discount on a new device.
Not 4 years old and "Too old" ????
Very expensive built-in obsolescence, methinks.
They later increased that to include a free carry-case, now they have offered a 30% discount.
I have politely asked that they consider a 50% discount, at which point I may consider accepting their offer, but I ain't holding my breath.
Meanwhile I am wondering if it was the Epoch Rollover (The GPS Week Number issue) update which has screwed my particular device.
Even if that was the case, I have no proof, and TomTom are not liable to admit it, are they ?
No, the 10 bit count issue for April has already been resolved for older devices with new firmware offered for any that were impacted by this.
Well I seem to have reached the end of the road via the good offices of the Martin Lewis recommended "Resolver".
Although TomTom customer services (or whatever they are called) offer "Loyal" customers a 25% discount if they wish to upgrade to a new device, they will only offer me a 35% discount against my failed 1005 unit.
I tried the "Escalate Dispute" option which Resolver offers after 14 days, but with TomTom, it seems that no escalation is possible, as this dispute is already at the highest level to which it can go.
So there we have it. The 1005 will go into the bin, and I will check out what Garmin has to offer.
It seems that built in obsolescence is part and parcel of TomTom's business philosophy. I suppose that is the case with all businesses in this "Throw Away" age.
"At te end of the road, turn off", in more ways than one,BUT, just out of idle curiosity, does the "DOS-type" black screen with white text, which is visible during the 'hard reset' process, offer any clues as to what may be wrong, or is it just a list of standard system information ?


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I don't think the diagnostic screen delivers any clues as to what may have gone wrong internally.
(canderson will correct if I am wrong.)

I don't know what UK prices are but check if their high end GO 620 would come down to 50% of what you have paid for the 1005.
No, nothing helpful there, I'm afraid.
Hi folks
Im in the same boat as you "Monty 205" just got sorry but broken not our fault .
but we will be kind and give you 25% off replacement. plus a case.
I would like to find out if we can go to citizens Add for consumer rights ,
but all need to do same or waste of effort ,Tom tom must accept
responsibility for this. As it was their advice, their update, their system ,
and as toward the W.R.N.O.thing if they new which they did then they should also
have advised and guided over the matter.We after all are in their Hand and must trust !
We are committed to act on there advice and must use their system to get their updates
and My Drive Connect,or Tom Tom home , as part of the price in buying Tom Tom products
If any body has further ideas .........
yours very disappointed
Hi folks
Im in the same boat as you "Monty 205" just got sorry but broken not our fault .
but we will be kind and give you 25% off replacement. plus a case.
I would like to find out if we can go to citizens Add for consumer rights ,
but all need to do same or waste of effort ,Tom tom must accept
responsibility for this. As it was their advice, their update, their system ,
and as toward the W.R.N.O.thing if they new which they did then they should also
have advised and guided over the matter.We after all are in their Hand and must trust !
We are committed to act on there advice and must use their system to get their updates
and My Drive Connect,or Tom Tom home , as part of the price in buying Tom Tom products
If any body has further ideas .........
yours very disappointed

I honestly don't think there is much point.
Only a few people have bothered to identify this issue, on this forum, so maybe there are loads of folk out there with fully functional 1005 devices, and we few are the unlucky beggars.
The time-scales involved in any legal action would be considerable, and the finance involved probably prohibitive.
Big business can do what it likes and the devil take the hindmost, eh ?
I have bought a Garmin Camper and am quite pleased with all aspects of its functionality. The only slight 'downside' is that the sound quality is not quite as good as was the TomTom 1005. I can live with that.
I am finished with TomTom. They can stick their 25%, in the free case, and shove it where the sun don't shine.
It seems some folks have gotten around this problem, though not without a bit of trial and error.

For any of you 1005 Camper owners who are stuck in startup/reboot loops, have a look at this thread over on the corporate site:

Often, it appears necessary to load a smaller (regional) map instead of the full Western Europe map. However, I don't see where anyone has installed a 16GB uSD card to provide more space, so that MAY be a solution to getting back to the larger map once the unit is brought back under normal control with the smaller map.
Thanks for that Canderson, old chap.

My TomTom has been languishing in a neglected corner of my Junk drawer for a couple of months now. I was not sure where, or how, or even if, I should dispose of it. Saving the planet is important after all.

I read all seven pages from that link, and became thoroughly confused, going back and forth, cross referencing who had done what to whatever, and what sequence they had done it in ?

However, I gave the page 4 suggestion made by the Dutch chappie, Johnst, in his video, a try, and after about half a dozen efforts, F*** me, it worked. The satnav came back from the dead.

In a nutshell here is what I did. (several times, before It actually worked.)

Press the "ON" button and await drum roll.

When start screen appears count 5 and press the "ON" button. Count 3 and release.

Press "ON" button again. count 4 and release. (dunno why he counted only 4 this time)

Press "ON" button again, count 5 and release.

Press "ON" button again, count 5 and release.

Press the "ON" button 3 times in succession, (but not rapidly)

Sit back and hold your breath.

As I said earlier, after a short-ish delay the Main Menu screen appeared.

I then connected to my PC/MyDrive Connect, and selected a smaller map, Zone 4, in my case.

All this with no SD card in the slot, so everything is on the device itself.

Umpteen updates were then installed over a period of about one hour. After each one I expected the damn thing to revert to the loop, but so far it seems to be functioning.

I guess that it was, as many have suggested, some sort of issue with the "Full Europe" map that caused the problem in the first place.

So if anybody has a few hours to spare, and a bit of patience, maybe this procedure may work for them too.

I did try the tapping the screen business, but that made bugger all difference to anything.

I don't quite know what to do wit the damn thing now, having purchased a Garmin several weeks back. I suppose I could always keep it as a back up, but sadly I have lost confidence in TomTom's products.

I am unable to comprehend why TomTom have not advised that such a fix is possible. Maybe it is, as has been mooted by many, that they just want folk to buy a new device, and anyway I think they are now stopping support for the 1005 Camper, so it may be of little use as a back up, regardless !

If the loop recurs, or any further problems develop, I will post the details in this thread.

Good luck to any who may try Johnst's procedure.
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Yes, I noted with interest the "(several times, before It actually worked.)" was also described by people in that thread. No question that it seems to require multiple attempts to get it to work.
Glad you were able to get yours working again.
Following the magical recovery of my 1005 Camper, I gave it a couple of trial runs, and also undertook a couple of updates. It is still working.

I decided to communicate with TomTom Support, to express my displeasure at the way in which they had not only failed to recover my device, but had actively encouraged me to purchase a new device at a discounted rate.

Here, just for the hell of it, is their reply. Needless to say it is pretty much the sort of platitudinous codswallop that I expected.

Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Support. My name is Rhea and I’ll be happy to help you today.
The reference number for your query is xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

I personally want to thank you for getting this issue up and letting us know about the fix for the device.

I have taken the feedback and have forwarded to the relevant team and they will work on it.

We always keep improving our products as per the needs of our customers as you are the ones who can help us in this in a better way by expressing what you feel and what exactly you need more.

We value our customers and ask you to please feel free to continue to provide feedback about our services.

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss this matter further, please feel free to contact me anytime.

Many thanks for your time and consideration.

Please do let me know if you require any further help in future and I will be more than happy to help you.
Thank you for your time and for giving me an opportunity to assist you.
With Kind Regards,
Rhea M
TomTom Customer Care Team

So there we have it, for what it's worth. :rolleyes:
"platitudinous codswallop". Gotta love the British twist on the language!

Here's hoping that this thread is noted by some of the earlier posters and that they have as much success as you did.
At the back, and most dim, corner of my mind, I always knew that this unreliable piece of moribund junk would be totally unreliable, and so it has proved to be !!!!
I updated a qickfix this morning, and the jolly old start up loop returned.
SO, even if I could be bothered to try to restore it once more, the 1005 Camper is obviously totally unreliable.
It will be returned to the darkest recesses of my junk drawer where it can languish for all eternity.
It is obviously thoroughly goosed, and would be useless as a back up of any sort.
The 5 months of live updates for which I have paid will have to be wasted, as I can not be bothered to enter into any further discourse with TomTom's support staff in order to obtain a refund.
So there we have it.

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