XXL 550 will not reset or display after map update

Oct 27, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
xxl 550
I connected to home without trouble, but after, it would not turn on. I did a reset until the TT hands show, but maps never display. I did a disk check through Windows explorer, and it said some errors were fixed. from a black screen I press the power button and momentarily see the turn on screen, which immediately goes out. Further power button presses give nothing. Pressing for about 20 seconds gives me the TT hands, then the startup screen, then just a black screen. Is it possible to wipe the program and reinstall it?
If I go through TT Home, the XXL connects to the computer, but when I try to do the map share update, it fails trying to write to the XXL.
Please help
Connect to the computer. Do a backup of the device's contents. See here:

Format the device. Don't use quickformat. Restore the backup. See if that helps.

Also, make sure the battery is fully charged. You may want to connect the device to the computer for at least a couple of hours (device doesn't have to be on) before doing the backup.

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