waiting for a valid gps signal

Nov 10, 2011
My gps stopped working -- is always "waiting for a valid gps signal" in places where it has worked perfectly before. I have done the resetting -- holding down the on off button until getting the drum roll sound three times. It just will not work. It is fully charged.:confused:
Try this .........

Conect the Go to your computer and use Explorer to browse the contents of the TomTom memory (it will show up as a new drive).

Delete anything in the "ephem" folder on the unit. (Leave the folder itself alone)

Then, on your PC itself, go to:
c:\documents and settings\yourname\my documents\TomTom\Home\Downloads\Complete\ephemeris \
and delete anything found in there (probably several sub-folders - delete them all)

Run TomTom "Home" and a new QuickGPSfix file should be offered. Install it.

Disconnect the Go properly from Home using the Device Disconnect icon, before unplugging it.
Try this .........

Conect the Go to your computer and use Explorer to browse the contents of the TomTom memory (it will show up as a new drive).

Delete anything in the "ephem" folder on the unit. (Leave the folder itself alone)

Then, on your PC itself, go to:
c:\documents and settings\yourname\my documents\TomTom\Home\Downloads\Complete\ephemeris \
and delete anything found in there (probably several sub-folders - delete them all)

Run TomTom "Home" and a new QuickGPSfix file should be offered. Install it.

Disconnect the Go properly from Home using the Device Disconnect icon, before unplugging it.
How exactly do I 'Run Tom Tom "Home"? I've been able to follow all the other instructions offered, without any problems. I'm just a little stuck on this one. Thanks in advance for your help.
The pc application for that model is Home. Get it at tomtom.com/home.

When Andy says to 'run Home', he's saying to start up Home and connect your unit to the computer. Home should offer (under 'Update my Unit') a new gpsquickfix file.
Thanks for that, followed what you said however none of the 5 satellites bars on the right hand side of the screen seem to show up. This is the problem I was initially getting. The screen just says 'Busy planning a route' and stays stuck there. The other visible message when pressing the little box screen to the left of the screen with the cross symble in it reads: 'Poor GPS reception - are you inside a building'. I have placed the device in varous locations outside under a clear blue sky away from building and basically everywhere it use to pick up reception and function. Any ideas on what I could do? and would you happen to know if Tom Tom's are able to be fixed and serviced? or does one just need to invest in a new device once the old one seems to have given up the ghost? I've only had my device for 2.5 years and I have not had any problems with it up until now. Thanks
When you tap the gps bars, in the next screen do you see a little rotating ball at the top? If it isn't even rotating, the gps chip may be toast.

And the unit is out of warranty.
Thanks for guiding me through this! The hour glass in the next screen (GPS Status) screen is rotating up and down, so at least its not cactus just yet! Thanks
"none of the 5 satellites bars on the right hand side of the screen seem to show up"

That's OK. There's no need for ALL of them to be filled. What we need to know is how many bars (gray or blue) you DO have (they'll all be on the left side of the graph) and how 'high' they are and what color.

If you only have gray bars, and they are fairly 'tall', then you are getting good GPS signal, but your unit is having difficulty turning the signal information into useful data.
None of the 5 bars are showing up on the right hand side, the screen states 'Busy planning a route' and 'waiting for a valid GPS signal' and just seems to get stuck there. When I touch the satillite window that takes me to the 'GPS status' screen I can see the hourglass rotating and the number '0:05:10 VTC' continuing to increase while the hourglass continues rotating. Thx
Ah - it's the 'GPS Status' screen that I was meaning earlier, not the little satellite bars you see on the main driving screen. Sorry. Now that you're on THAT screen, please advise per the previous question about the 12 bars you find there:

What we need to know is how many bars (gray or blue) you DO have (they'll all be on the left side of the graph) and how 'high' they are and what color. The spinner is a good sign that you're getting at least some signal. And that's UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), also known as GMT, Zulu, etc.
Unfortunately, there are absoultely no bars showing, nada, zilch! All 12 bars are clear with no colouring at all. Thanks
there are absoultely no bars showing
Ugh - I assume this is checked outside in a clear sky, and not in a bomb shelter somewhere:lol:

In that case, and having performed the necessary reset, it sounds as though either the antenna or GPS chip has failed on your unit. You say you have had it for 2-1/2 years, so I'm afraid it's long out of warranty, too.
For peace of mind, even though I've carried out all the suggestions - from turning it on in a vast open area with no trees or homes and facing the device up towards the sky and being patient (1hr worth of patience), then turning off and then back off after 30mins and repeating the same thing, to then setting it back to factory seconds, soft reset and every other suggestion I will do it all again one more time. So I'll get back to you soon & let you know of any results. Thanks for your interest & help in my gps.
Best of luck. My very first TomTom, a GO720, died this way about 3 weeks after I received it. Had to RMA that one.

On the two or three occasions where my later 720s or 740s have decided not to 'see' any satellites at all, a full reboot (for the 720, the button on the bottom and for the 740, 20 seconds on the power button for the drums to roll) got its attention and all was well again.
Hello - I am having the same type of issue as the original submitter. I followed the steps of deleting items/folders from the device and my computer. When I re-connect to Home, I get a popup telling me that "An Error Has Occurred". I couldn't make much of the error details (something about Malformed Data in that ephemeris folder). Any thoughts on how to correct this? Should I pull that folder back from my Recycle Bin? I did submit this to TomTom (anonymously). If I click thru this error, I get no GPSFix to install so I can't proceed to see if I am fixed.
Use Explorer to delete anything in the unit's ephem folder.

Then go here:
C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\My Documents \ TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\ ephemeris\ and remove any subfolders found there.

Connect to Home and see if a new gpsquick fix is offered. If so, install and disconnect properly using the Device disconnect icon.
Sorry, I'm sure I am just being dense and missing something obvious but I think those are the same steps that I have already tried and seen not work. I just did it again and I still don't get anything to download from Home for a GPSFix. And still "Waiting for GPS signal" when attempting to plan a route. Thanks again.
Something amiss there, Murphy. If there are truly NO ephemeris files on either your unit or your computer, Home really, really SHOULD attempt to provide you with GPSQuickFix files when you initially connect or select "Update" from Home. I just checked by doing the same to be sure the server was operating correctly, and received new ephemeris data, so we know it's available from TomTom.
In Windows Vista and 7 the C:\Documents and Settings\.... has been replaced at the top level by a directory called Users.

C:\Users\yourname\My Documents \ TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\ ephemeris\

Confusingly, the Documents and Settings folder still exists, but Windows doesn't allow access (system folder only).
i have the same problem on my tomtom too..
its been working fine but all of a sudden its stopped..

can any1 give me advise on how to fix it plz..
thnk U

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