waiting for a valid gps signal

Did deletion of the files mentioned in the earlier posts help? Did you try any of those suggestions yet?
I am getting the same message about waiting for a valid signal but my unit is the via 1405tm.Does the early suggestions pertain to me about deleteing the folders because whenever I have done updates for this unit I have never had any for the gpsfix just map updates and software.
No. None of the newer units (those running firmware 10.X and later) have file system access. Whole different system. That advice only applies to "3 digit" models, excluding the 82X series.

Did you just recently update your firmware with MyTomTom, by chance?
With the unit powered up, hold the power button down for about 20 seconds until you hear the drums, then quickly let go of the button. See if your unit will then produce a proper satellite lock.
Yes I did update the firmware. I think it was a couple of days ago. I also have the xxl 540tm and that finds a signal right away.
Different situation... it's your 1405 that is likely to be an issue for a few days until TomTom sorts this out. Again, try the reset with the 20 second hold and let us know if that works. If it does, you will probably need to perform that procedure each time you power up until TomTom can purge a problem file from your unit.
I will post the results tomorrow because its raining here right now and don't want to get the unit wet. I tried the 20 second and the first time I did it I got the drum sound but was not able to get a signal because I am in the house. But what I did notice the second time I tried to hold the power button done when the unit was on it shut off and did not turn back on until I pressed it again.
I tried the reset and it worked. But when I try the reset again it wont reset. How does TomTom find the problem file on my unit and how can delete it.
I tried the reset and it worked. But when I try the reset again it wont reset.
Possibly just not holding the button down fully for the full 20 seconds? Believe me, I've done it lots and it's harder than you think not to twitch just for a fraction of a second.

How does TomTom find the problem file on my unit and how can delete it.

They won't find it specifically on your unit... They will get many reports and will try to recreate it themselves, then they will create a fix and it will get downloaded to you when you connect to MyTomTom.

That's the theory....
Is there any way to go back and re download any of the files because I notice when I turn on the unit it goes directly to the map screen with the car and it skips over the screen that gives the terms of use and then you have to click I agree. Also with the soft reset I will get that screen but otherwise I don't.
I tried the reset and it worked. But when I try the reset again it wont reset. How does TomTom find the problem file on my unit and how can delete it.
You just need to reset once and then use the unit - it should run OK after the reset. You MAY need to use the same procedure the next time you need to use the unit. Be sure to let GO of the button as soon as the drums start.

As for the fix, see above.
OK I will try that. Also do you need to wait for a signal before you put in the place you want to go. Also when it looks for a signal is it better to click on last known location or let it find a new signal.
If it offers to use last known location, you can use that (it's a nice feature on the models that have it), or you can wait until you get a satellite lock. Either way, you can start planning immediately. What I'd like to know is how long, in a clear area, it takes you to get a lock each time. Normally, it takes a bit longer after a reset of this sort, but it's better than no lock at all!
I got a signal lock after reset and then I shut it down but when I turned it back on it gave me the drum sound and now its saying waiting for valid gps signal and its been at least ten minutes. I think maybe one of the files installed on the unit is no good. Anyways thanks for all your help.
If you go to tomtom.com and click on the support tab on the top. you will see that this is a known issue as of Saturday evening At the end of the information in their fax is a notify tab that you should click on . They say that they will notify you when this problem will be solved but who knows. If you call in the states the 1866 4tom tom number you get a recording about this issue . Hope this helps a little.
I have a 9-month old Via 125 live. It navigated me from Watford to Chelmsford the other day no problem, but spent half the return journey "Waiting for a valid GPS signal" (before I switched it off).

Andy_P's solution doesn't work for me since the unit doesn't show up as a drive in Win 7 Explorer.

The support site solution (software update then reset) works for me. Hurrah! Thanks TomTom.
To one and all with devices that use MyTomTom instead of Home as the interface ...

TomTom is (painfully) aware of the situation where some users cannot obtain a GPS lock, and have been working furiously to come up with a fix. It's not yet clear whether or not they've got this licked. If anyone is offered new code at the FAQ page for such units today and tomorrow, please let us know what version is offered -- and of course, let us know if it resolved the GPS lock situation for you!
I downloaded the update they sent me but forgot to reset. I went outside and turned the unit on and it took a few minutes but I got a GPS lock. I will try again tomorrow to see if its still working.

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