Vote for your most wanted new features here

- Remove the range limit on POI searches!!

- Add the ability to copy Favorites.ov2 from Computer to Go 2535 Live via MyTomTom (currently can only go from TT to Computer, no way to go from Computer back to TT. Makes backing up Favorites.ov2 sort of pointless if you can't get them back onto the device.)

No true! You just add the Favorites.ov2 file back in the same way as you do any other POI file.

Oh, and fix annoying issue that is causing my Favorites.ov2 to get corrupted!!!

That's not exactly a new feature is it, though?
As this is NOT a common problem, can you post in the tech support forum about it instead, please?
Here is my list of most desired features for my TomTom model:

1) Advertised functionality actually present on device and working correctly.

2) Software updates that are regression tested and do not break existing functionality.

3) Customer support that actually has a clue and does not pull nonsensical answers from their collective rectums.

The rest is gravy.
city streets navigating right of way

In giving driving directions , the gps device does not take into account -the right of way- on city streets. specifically, cars are usually allowed to be parked on one side or the other. the device should only recommend a route that avoids making you drive on the side of the street where cars are parked. it should choose streets that are clear of parked cars on the right hand side where we drive in Canada or USA. Users could add this input in the same way as map corrections.
this would make the navigating much safer and more correct to advise routes that flow with the proper traffic and parked cars, not just any route on any street. the device should able to discriminate on what streets to go north or south or east or west, based on how clear that side of the road is. if there is parked cars....that is an obstacle to driving and is not the best route to take.
for instance on my street the cars are allowed to park on the right side. on the next street the cars are parked on the left side. In this case the device should only give navigation directions so that cars travel south on my street and north on the next street.
this would be a lot more intelligent navigation, and I am sure users would jump in to help with data input if there was an easy way on the internet to add this information.
That's a new one on me!
You mean you want almost every street to be marked as "one-way"?

What would the device do if your destination was on one of these roads and you couldn't approach from the other end?

Is it really that much more dangerous to drive on streets with parked cars?

In the UK there is rarely any system in where cars are allowed to park, so you will very often be driving down streets with cars parked on both sides, and I certainly wouldn't want those to be blocked in both directions on my TomTom!
no Andy, it would not be marked "one way". that is not what I suggested. It would apply to Cities and Towns and would be something like a neighbourhood preferred routing, which would be just that an optional preference. If you used this option, the GPS would then consider the criteria in analyzing the roads before calculating a final route. I think this would make driving more convenient and safer, I don't know about the UK or Mexico, but In canada and the USA this would be I believe a super feature that would very much be used and desired by drivers over here. This would be a great feature, and like I say, it could have user data input to accomplish this. I know I would be more than willing to put in the effort to supply this data for my neighbourhood. I think this is a very useful and friendly feature. anybody else?
I must be misunderstanding this preference. I have lived in many different areas within the U.S. and - with rare exceptions - the only streets that do not allow parking on both sides are the freeways, the one-way streets, and the major streets in large cities. Most one-way streets do allow parking on one side, and I have seen some that allow parking on both sides.

It seems to me that if the wish is to avoid streets that allow parking, this is already covered rather well by the option to prefer the fastest route, as this will normally send you on major streets and highways.

As I said above, I suspect that I am missing something about this wish, as my interpretation of the wording above simply does not match up with my experiences driving in hundreds of cities and towns of various sizes all over the U.S.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
Even one-way streets allow parking on both sides around here. I remember back in 'the day' when many Boston one-way streets had five lanes, and people were using two of them on each side for parking! They finally cracked down on that cluster...
Even one-way streets allow parking on both sides around here. I remember back in 'the day' when many Boston one-way streets had five lanes, and people were using two of them on each side for parking! They finally cracked down on that cluster...

so you mean, you've never seen a city street where parking is allowed only on one side of the road? Come to Ontario, there' is plenty of them here, mostly in the city neiighbourhoods..where there are clusters of homes. Also, the lane which is clear has the right of way, the other driver has to yield..behind the parked car. If he doesn't yield and there is a collision, he is by rule of thumb automatically at fault.
Of course I've seen it, but it's the very rare exception around here, not the rule.
i love my tomtom but if they could put their point of interest in category like they have in garmin that'd be great..... they already added the feature when they state which side on the street (left/right) is your destination........ so maybe the next batch might have this :)
i love my tomtom but if they could put their point of interest in category like they have in garmin that'd be great.....
I'm not sure exactly what you are seeking. Both of my TomTom models have POI files in categories, although in some cases I would prefer that the POI files supplied by TomTom have sub-categories. (For example - breaking up "Restaurants" into sub-categories by type of food.)

Fortunately, it's possible to load third-party POI files onto the GPS, and there are several web sites with an amazing variety of POI files that should meet almost any imaginable criteria. (For example - on my devices I have a POI file for Mom & Pop BBQ restaurants.) Personally, in most cases I find the information in the third-party POI files to be more complete and more accurate than the data supplied by TomTom or Garmin.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
i love my tomtom but if they could put their point of interest in category like they have in garmin that'd be great.....
I'm not sure exactly what you are seeking. Both of my TomTom models have POI files in categories, although in some cases I would prefer that the POI files supplied by TomTom have sub-categories. (For example - breaking up "Restaurants" into sub-categories by type of food.)

Fortunately, it's possible to load third-party POI files onto the GPS, and there are several web sites with an amazing variety of POI files that should meet almost any imaginable criteria. (For example - on my devices I have a POI file for Mom & Pop BBQ restaurants.) Personally, in most cases I find the information in the third-party POI files to be more complete and more accurate than the data supplied by TomTom or Garmin.

With best wishes,
- Tom -

really, i did not know that.... now time to do some research on how to do that. thanks.
Please bring back (at least as an option) the onscreen compass!!! I also miss the mapshare on the via units (where did it go?)

Be able to set speed limit going over warning (set it between 3-9km over)
Please bring back (at least as an option) the onscreen compass!!!

There's still a tiny compass display on the NAV2 models (I can't remember if they brought it back, or it never went away!)

I also miss the mapshare on the via units (where did it go?)

They just haven't got it working yet....

Be able to set speed limit going over warning (set it between 3-9km over)
You mean a user-setting for how much over before it happens?
I think it's so vague when it comes on at the moment you wouldn't notice much difference!
Also it seems to happen as a percentage rather then a fixed number of mph over, which I do think is more sensible.
- Don't bother telling me there are incidents on my route when there is no route planned (5).
- Don't bother telling me that my phone is not connected, especially when this interrupts me planning a route (5).
- Give keyboard entry a higher interrupt priority since it is currently extremely laggy (5).
- Add (default) option to make audio feedback (keypress sound/click) when touching keys (5).
- If it MUST tell me that retrieval of phone contacts is completed, pronounce 'phonebook' correctly (2).
- Include places in maps, not just street names.
Funny... They DON'T do variable volume on the things that do want it like the line out, and they DO on Bluetooth audio where you don't.

I always wanted SEPARATE volume controls for the warning sounds and the music relative to the navigation instructions. Never got anywhere with that suggestion though...

I wish i can preselect my city/state i am in. Thus when typing in suburbs the suburb in which the * defaulted city is shown at the top first. There is no relevance for me searching other states.

Very annoying when i type the suburb "fairfield" that the suburb in my city is down 3rd in the list and the top choice is in a state i have never been to
That's how it normally works here, Tc. I haven't had any experience with Aus maps, but here, we preselect a state. Does it not offer you the option for preselecting a province there?

But you specifically used the word state. Are you using the unit in the U.S.? If so, you can preselect the state when operating from the U.S. map.
I should very much like to have the facility to view routes as text - extremely useful to see which way one is going to be taken to begin and what to look for in the all important final stages.

I used to have this on previous TomTom One but was very disappointed to find it was not included which I "upgraded" to TomTom Start, I was equally disappointed to see it wasn't reinstated in the recent firmware version update.

I understand it is still included with some models and it is a great pity that such a useful function has been dropped. Surely it should be relatively easy to add as the software code already exists.

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