Vote for your most wanted new features here

All I really like is have it so my Tomtom turns off when power supply is removed!!
Just like on my Older Tomtom One.
Having said that if they could do it so it turns ON when power is applied that would be great too!
Probably mentioned a few times...


For the love of god. Considering the United States has always worked on the flawed system of your physical address COULD in fact be different then your mailing address these things are useless a lot of the time....

Why doesnt Tomtom understand this? If I have to goto 1234 Smith St, Parkville, MD and nothing pops up what do I do then? Well I either have to A: Refer to a paper map, which makes the point "Why have a GPS?" or B: Call a friend with a Garmin so he can say "1234 Smith St is in Baltimore, MD"....

If you KNOW the area and can say "Well Parkville is bordering Baltimore, maybe I'll try Baltimore". Then its fine, however if I'm using my GPS, half the time I don't KNOW where I'm going. Hence the reason for using a navigation device....

I get so annoyed with not having that simple feature I'm willing to give up IQRoutes, Mapshare, ALG, Live traffic, etc etc etc so I can actually FIND the address I'm looking for with a Garmin or something. What is the point of having those features if you cant even START the navigation process?

Venting....I'm ok now... :) This just happened to me twice today, and I had to use a paper map once and call a friend with a Garmin the other time...


You need an Alpine.

Ah, seriously, this is a result of the basic way TomTom organizes their data, so I agree 1000% but don't hold your breath.

The other MORE annoying flaw that happens is that trying to find POIs becomes a nightmare. What town is Rocky Mountain National Park in? How about Chaco Culture National Historical Park? How about Calico Ghost Town (no, it's not in "Calico")?

Anyway, here's my wish list:
- Prefer highways: yes, PLEASE!
- I think a lot of people would like a "simple route" option: minimize turns, and stick more to big roads, don't cut through tiny streets.
- Better ability to find POIs by name ONLy without the town.
- YES, tell me which side of the road the destination is on.
- When I'm on a highway and/or at higher speed, restrict the POI search in a forward direction. Ideally the system could find POIs near to the highway, but I'd settle even for just removing matches that are not within +-60 degrees of my heading.

On a plus note, I just LOVE how, unlike Alpine, I don't have to go all the way back to the top menu to enter a cross-street.

I also REALLY like the tiny mounting clip, it's so easy to fit into a carryon.
First, one thing I noticed:

I tried planning a route online using TomTom's map, Microsoft's map, and Google's map. The TomTom site came up with the same route that my GO 740 comes up with. Microsoft's site comes up with a considerably different route. Google comes up with 3 routes--#1 is the same as Microsoft's (which is similar to MY personal SECOND choice), #2 is the same as TomTom's, and #3 is the one that I almost always use.

With each Google map, it shows the estimated "drive times" for each route, both WITH and WITHOUT traffic. When there's NO traffic, there's only about a 5 minute difference between the three routes. But when there IS traffic the difference is over half an hour between the fastest (#3) and the slowest (#2).

TomTom will EVENTUALLY come up with MY preferred route, but if I'm already on the road, it's virtually impossible to change from one route to the other.

Hence, MY list of features that I'd like to see.....

Number one: I would like the ability to save multiple routes from "point a" to "point b." Rank this as a "5" (or even a "6"). It would be great if my 740 would tell me which of my routes are better, taking into account both the current and the historical traffic data.

Similar to "prefer freeway over surface street (mentioned above)," I would like the ability to "rate" a specific road (or an entire route). For instance, I prefer to take one particular route to get to one of my client sites, but if it would save me a certain amount of time (e.g., 20 minutes), I would take one of my alternates.

Next, and this would be about "3" or "4," I would like the ability to change the pronunciation of specific words (without having to deal with the "loquendo" files).

Just my $.02.

In the next firmware update for Easymenu I would like:

1) Ability to enter GPS co-ordinates. This would be very useful for fine tuning the position of your favourites, for adjusting the position of POIs etc

2) more speedcam options
  1. Auto power-on when external power is detected
  2. "Disconnect device" directly available in system tray options of TTHome
I would like them to bring back the adding a POI by lat/long especially if there is not a physical address
TomTom Suggested Imrprovements

Just wanted to send some feedback to TomTom, having recently switched from an older Garmin, to a new TomTom. For the most part everything is better, below is a list of small changes that would significantly improve the TomTom.

1. Map Scale - First, the level of zoom is uncontrollable. I am able to zoom out, and zoom in, but not permanently. Why not add an Menu option for "automatic control", "manual control", or the garmin method which just zooms in when a turn is approached? Along the same lines, there is no scale displayed on the map, so as it zooms in automatically, i have no idea what the actual scale is i am looking at, as it changes.

2. Zoom in/out button on touchscreen - These buttons are way too small to be useful, and 60% of the time i try to zoom, it takes me to the main menu. Please enlarge the button area, or at least the touchscreen area that responds to zoom.

3. POI Search by distance, shortcut - By far the most common thing i navigate to is to is a POI search by name, displayed in the order of closest to furtherest from your current position. Create a shorter menu route (or shortcut) to reach this menu, so i don't need to go through the menu every time.

4. Volume control - on the garmin the volume control was located on the side of the device (not on the actual touchscreen) and this volume control was much easier to control, as well as much faster. The touchscreen volume is slow to respond, and requires looking at the TomTom. If the button is on the side of the device you can just slide your finger along the outside, without devoting any attention. Also, there is not a 'mute' option, the volume control only goes down to 10%.... A mute button would be useful.

Just a few thoughts! Hope it helps the next design iteration.
Just wanted to send some feedback to TomTom..
We hope that they check in here from time to time, but there are no guarantees. This site operates very much independently of TomTom.

1. Map Scale - First, the level of zoom is uncontrollable. I am able to zoom out, and zoom in, but not permanently. Why not add an Menu option for "automatic control", "manual control", or the garmin method which just zooms in when a turn is approached? Along the same lines, there is no scale displayed on the map, so as it zooms in automatically, i have no idea what the actual scale is i am looking at, as it changes.
This is a function of which model you own. Which model DO you own? There are a couple of different schemes for control. I much prefer full control as my GO740 provides to me. Couldn't cope with the ones that auto-zoom all the time. For some models, there IS a configuration option for this control. Again, which unit do you have?

2. Zoom in/out button on touchscreen - These buttons are way too small to be useful, and 60% of the time i try to zoom, it takes me to the main menu. Please enlarge the button area, or at least the touchscreen area that responds to zoom.
I've long since given up using either my handheld Garmin or my auto-mounted TomTom with my pinkies alone. I use the closed end of whatever pen I have in my geek pocket at the time to manipulate both of them. For this particular problem, it can help to actually have part of your finger hitting the bezel as you go for the corner. Works most of the time. Still not giving up my pen, though.

3. POI Search by distance, shortcut - By far the most common thing i navigate to is to is a POI search by name, displayed in the order of closest to furtherest from your current position. Create a shorter menu route (or shortcut) to reach this menu, so i don't need to go through the menu every time.
Again, specific models have specific features. None that I know of will allow for setting a "Navigate to POI" as one of the quick menu options that some systems provide. I agree that it would be nice to have more quick menu options, including the one you suggest.

4. Volume control - on the garmin the volume control was located on the side of the device (not on the actual touchscreen) and this volume control was much easier to control, as well as much faster. The touchscreen volume is slow to respond, and requires looking at the TomTom. If the button is on the side of the device you can just slide your finger along the outside, without devoting any attention. Also, there is not a 'mute' option, the volume control only goes down to 10%.... A mute button would be useful.
"Mute" IS one of the quick menu options if your unit supports that. If yours supports it, go to "Configuration" / a few arrows in / "Quick menu preferences" and select "Switch sound on/off" and you will have that ability available quickly.

There are some good arguments for not using a typical variable resistor for the volume control. The tend to oxidize over time and get hard to control. The one on my old Whistler is a classic example of that problem.
It was probably mentioned - maybe not - but I wouldn't mind an option for announcing when I approach a state line (or country). Perhaps even a config for how much distance away to announce.
You could do this with a custom POI category but it would be a huge undertaking to create one, on approaching a location in the custom POI file the device could even be configured to announce "Crossing State Line" along with a count down - Mike
TT's already have a "Border Crossing" POI category which could be set to make an announcement in Europe.

But the American maps only seem to have the border between the US and Canada marked.
There's one feature that I know I'd rate a 5: I want to disable auto-zooming. I want to be able to see the neighborhood streets around me, even if I'm going through town on the Interstate at 70mph. That would let me use the GPS like a map

Another 5 would be road segments on Map Corrections. I need to be able to specify that the speed limit is 40mph from "A" to "B", and there's no way I'm going to manually select 50 road segments to do so. Same with street names. I could live with picking A-to-B on the eastbound side, and then repeating the operation for the westbound side, but the current system is nuts.

I'd like the ability to add a Favorite instantly, like you can currently mark a location for correction. That seems so basic, though, that I suspect it already exists in other models (I have a low-end ONE). If not, rate that a 4.

An enhancement related to one mentioned earlier: let me tap a POI in drive mode to display a pop-up. Find some other hot spot to dedicate to the menu. That's a 4.

Speaking of hot spots, there's enough room on the left for two or three action buttons. Let me split it like that instead of taking me to a "quick menu". Rate that a 3.

I'd like HOV lane preference to be on a configuration menu like toll road preference, instead of having to be selected every time. Give that a 3.

I'm sure I'll think of others on the way home!

Especially auto-zoom defeat, and destination display on nav screen.....................

Especially auto-zoom defeat,

It's been done....
Whether you have auto-zoom or not is independently selectable for 2D and 3D views on the Go1000/2000 models and possibly the VIAs too (I don't have one at the moment to check).

and destination display on nav screen.....................

I'm not sure what you mean by that?
Add Items

I would like to see these added.

ability to add more custom menu icons on main navigation screen

ability to import more custom POI or third party POI

breadcrumbs / ability to track travel history

I own a Go 2505, Tomtom stated these are comming, but it been nine month now.

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