VAT tax charges for non-euro users

I've just posted something on Facebook about this VAT business in the hope that more publicity will lead to more pressure on TomTom to do the right thing by its customers. If others do the same it will lead to wide currency and the problem will get a really thorough airing.
I've just put more postings about this problem on Facebook, quoting EU Directive 2006/112/EC Article 146.a, this time actually on the TomTom page. Perhaps this will provoke a proper response. Alternatively, they may just remove it! Time will tell.
Got a link? This might be interesting to watch. I got no direct response from TomTom when I queried them about it.
On Facebook, I just searched for 'TomTom' and one of the results yielded is 'TomTom Products/Services'. I wrote my complaint and received a reply. The writer said he/she (no name given, just TomTom) hadn't heard about it, but actually promised to get back to me. It's currently 3:15 a.m. in Western Europe, 2:15 in the UK, so we'll see what happens.
Perhaps that particular person hadn't heard about it, but believe me, SOMEONE (several someones, actually) have heard about it back in NL. I communicated your concerns (and those of others) directly, and was quite specific about the EU directive in that communication.

Keep us posted. Have a direct link?
One starts to get bad feelings on hearing that a number of people in the Netherlands are aware of the problem and there's been no action, i.e. refunds to the countless non-EU customers who've had 20% improperly added to the cost of updating files. Very unedifying. Very disturbing, really.
Well, despite being led to believe by whoever was running the TomTom Facebook page that this VAT caper would be looked into, nothing at all has happened, even though quite some time has elapsed since my posting. TomTom needs to realize that, like an abscess on a tooth, the problem's not going to go away and this 'VAT' they're charging non-EU customers will sooner or later have to be refunded by whoever is holding it. I certainly won't tire of trying and I imagine most if not all those who've lost money will keep going, too. The pot of gold is getting more sizeable by the hour. Wie heeft ons geld, TomTom? Waar is het?
I've directed this thread to a contact I have at TomTom. No promises, of course, but we'll see........

To Rogriv: Did you ever file a complaint with TomTom Support and get a reference number. If so, can you provide it here, please. Or did you use a different email address than the one you used to register at TTF? If so, can you send it to me via PM. My contact needs this info (reference number and email address) to pursue it further.
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I've found the account details, but not my e-mails to them. A couple of points: The first time (in 2009), after having complained about the VAT levy, they refunded the lot, i.e. cost of order +VAT! The second time, after complaining bitterly, they refunded the VAT. (That was the time they wanted a photocopy of my driving licence 'to prove I was in Australia'.) The third time, as I said in the forum, I didn't bother, as the amount was small and I couldn't be bothered chasing them yet again. However, according to the account, they took the VAT off anyway, suggesting that it pays (literally) to complain!

Herewith the information you wanted:

Order # Order Date Status Shipping Status Total 317953759 06-Sep-11 COMPLETED, Settled -- AUD 14.95 311017278 16-Jul-10 COMPLETED, Settled -- AUD 99.60 304834219 01-May-09 COMPLETED, Refund processed -- AUD 39.95
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P.S. I've not been able to find online my e-mails to them and their replies, but I suppose those reference numbers will help. I'll try to put my e-mail address in a private message to you. If that doesn't work, I'll put it in open forum, as the address in question started to get spammed, so I opened another one for private use. Many thanks by the way for your efforts to get this business fixed once and for all.
Of course; I understand that. Interesting that the person running the FB site when I posted my message, who said he/she hadn't heard of the VAT thing and would get back to me hasn't. Must be getting on for three weeks now. I did look for my/his/her postings, but couldn't find them. Now it is sometimes difficult to find postings on FB, that's true, but I'm suspicious, I must say.
My suspicions were wholly unfounded! Sorry, TT. Here's the reply to my postings on Facebook about VAT nearly a fortnight ago on the 15th of March:

TomTom Hi R**** R*******, I personally do not directly know about this, but am certainly going to check into it for you! As soon as I receive a response I will get back to you on this.
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