Thanks for posting the Easy Menu stuff which I played around with anyway.
While we're here I have a question if you don't mind.
When using a TASK_SDKx command, how is the number decided?
Kinda looks like the earliest date gets the lowest number 1 and they go up from there.
I need to play around with it a bit more before I can come up with a question if I can't get it going right.
Thanks all!
This is according to the SDK6 documentation
"A special item TASK_SDKn is defined:
This item represents the command to be sent to an external application, as defined in a capability file.
If you have several commands to send or several applications to start, you should define a different TASK_SDKn for each command. If you have three commands defined in capability files, these items should be defined in the menu: TASK_SDK1, TASK_SDK2, TASK_SDK3. Please note that adding an icon or a description to the SDK_TASK line, the icon and description specified in the capability file will be overwritten.
The external commands will be interpreted in the same order as they were on the extended menu. Capability files are read in creation order, i.e. the files that were created first will be read first. The commands from the capability files are assigned to TASK_SDKn menu items in the order in which they are found in the capability file. If e.g. you create two capability files in this order: a.cap and b.cap, then a.cap would be read first, en b.cap second. If a.cap has 3 commands and b.cap has 2 commands, then the commands from a.cap would be represented by tasks TASK_SDK1, TASK_SDK2 and TASK_SDK3. The tasks from b.cap would be represented by TASK_SDK4 and TASK_SDK5. "
I looked at mine and the cap file date is not the order of the icons on the menu so I really don't know if it's the date or what. Attached is the documentation from the SDK, maybe I'm missing something.
The attached zip file is part of the SDK6 documentation about the custom menu which this info came out of, you can download the whole SDK6 documentation from
Wish I could be more help, in reality it really seems to work like a crapshoot on my TT.