Unwanted shortest routes

Mar 18, 2010
Lincoln, UK
TomTom Model(s)
Start 60

I have 2 unrelated questions regarding my XL IQ Routes device which has been faultless until the warranty expired last month!

I loaded Eastern Europe maps for a trip to Turkey and was delighted when it took me through the towns and across country by the best (quickest) route. I made the mistake of offering to guide another car through Fethyie and it wanted to go along goat tracks over the mountains!

I checked and it was still set to "Quickest Route" so I reset to Manufacturer's settings and it was fine for a couple of days then another try at the shortest route.

Came home, reloaded Western Europe map and updated to latest v9.061 core program and assumed all would be well. It was fine for a few days then suggested I turn up a country line with a "No Through Road" sign.

Confidence is everything here so my first question is: is there anything I can do here? Is this a hardware failure (do I have to buy another?). Any help would be appreciated.

The unrelated question is about a set of files in the map folder all called "cpeech_XXX.dat" - what are they and can I remove those which are for countries that I don't use (the XXX is a country identifier).

Sorry to be long-winded, but thanks for any help you can give.

Make sure planning settings are checked for ask every time when you start a trip.

you can dump ALL cspeechxxx.dat files, I believe. They are used for Voice recognition and I don't think your model has a microphone so you can't use that functionality.

Those files are NOT used for text to speech.
It was fine for a few days then suggested I turn up a country line with a "No Through Road" sign.
That's just a problem with the map data. Your unit believes that road to be passable. To avoid having it show up as part of your route in the future, you can either block that section of road entirely (if you can figure out where it's blocked on the other end) or add turn restrictions to avoid it. Both are available under the map error correction feature of your TomTom.
The unrelated question is about a set of files in the map folder all called "cpeech_XXX.dat" - what are they and can I remove those which are for countries that I don't use (the XXX is a country identifier).
These files are for voice recognition otherwise knows as Advanced Speech Recognition (ASR) you can remove them them all as your device hasn't got a microphone so the files are simply a waste of storage space - Mike
Thanks for the gen on cspeech files.

Is it as simple as a mapping error? In both cases the route being offered would have taken much more time even though it would have a saved a small distance. The one in Turkey was quite possible but would have been anything but the quickest.

I now have it set to ask how I want it done, so we'll see how it behaves. The trouble is that my confidence has taken a bit of a knock.

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