A mate of mine's Dad has asked me to update his map because it's old and missing a lot of the roads. When I've tried to update it, there isn't enough room on the SD card, it's only about 120MB. I've purchased a new, bigger SD card and copied the contents of the old card onto the new one. It opens up in Tomtom Home 2 as normal but when I insert the new card into the Go 300, I get an SD card error screen (no words, just an animation with a red cross over the SD card.
I have searched google and come up with all sorts of solutions and also read the Tomtom help on initialising a new SD card. According to them I should connect the Go 300 with no SD card inserted, a prompt will appear saying connect to computer: yes/no, then I select yes and backup my device to the pc. Once that is done I load the backup onto the new SD card, insert into the PC and do the rest in Tomtom home.The trouble I am having with this solution is that when I connect the device to the pc with no SD card inserted, nothing happens. I get no prompts or options to back up, nor can I find the device in either explorer or Tomtom Home 2. Of course everything works perfectly when the old card is inserted into the device.
I have also tried installing the 'Home images' folder that was recommended in the Tomtom FAQ, but I always get the SD error screen when I plug the new card into the device. As I said before, the new SD card is fully recognised by Tomtom Home 2 as a navigation device.
Can anyone help me with this, I don't know how else I can get a new map...
A mate of mine's Dad has asked me to update his map because it's old and missing a lot of the roads. When I've tried to update it, there isn't enough room on the SD card, it's only about 120MB. I've purchased a new, bigger SD card and copied the contents of the old card onto the new one. It opens up in Tomtom Home 2 as normal but when I insert the new card into the Go 300, I get an SD card error screen (no words, just an animation with a red cross over the SD card.
I have searched google and come up with all sorts of solutions and also read the Tomtom help on initialising a new SD card. According to them I should connect the Go 300 with no SD card inserted, a prompt will appear saying connect to computer: yes/no, then I select yes and backup my device to the pc. Once that is done I load the backup onto the new SD card, insert into the PC and do the rest in Tomtom home.The trouble I am having with this solution is that when I connect the device to the pc with no SD card inserted, nothing happens. I get no prompts or options to back up, nor can I find the device in either explorer or Tomtom Home 2. Of course everything works perfectly when the old card is inserted into the device.
I have also tried installing the 'Home images' folder that was recommended in the Tomtom FAQ, but I always get the SD error screen when I plug the new card into the device. As I said before, the new SD card is fully recognised by Tomtom Home 2 as a navigation device.
Can anyone help me with this, I don't know how else I can get a new map...