Traffic services not working after device not used for a while

May 17, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Go 6000
I have inherited a GO 6000 and managed to set it up and linked to my account. Everything is fine except services. The problem I have is that the Traffic Services doesn’t connect. When the device is connected to my PC it shows network connected, and services activated etc but when disconnected the network doesn’t connect. I understand that if the device has not been used for a while then the data from the built in sim card no longer works. i have contacted tomtom and they confirm that the data is not working. Their solution is to buy another device! Is there anyway of getting tomtom to reactivate the data function on the sim card or can i get another sim card? Any suggestions welcome.
Traffic is for life on GO 6000 so Tomtom should be able to reactivate your SIM card if deactivated.
If your SIM card is defective, only Tomtom can change it.
Ok thanks. I have written back to them to try to get the data reactivated or a new card. Not holding out much hope though!
Ok thanks. I have written back to them to try to get the data reactivated or a new card. Not holding out much hope though!
Did you have any luck? my friend is having the same issue and theres no real fix for it...
First contact ended up with me sending loads of photos of device and sim card details etc - eg device working but with no route planned then all ‘About’ info. After a day they came back with they can’t do anything but suggested i download their App onto phone and pay yearly for subscription but they would give me a year free (£20/yr) or buy a new device with small discount (cost to me £100s). Spoke to vodafone who i think carry their data etc and explained situation. they said need network unlock code but could only give it to tomtom as they didn’t sell me the device. Gone back to tomtom and added that they were able to block the sim on a device i had stolen a couple of weeks ago so they should be able to activate this one. Seems unfair to buy a device with Lifetime traffic only for tomtom to turn it off! Will report back if anything develops. Am also using X to try to hurry things.
Yep, tried that link with no luck. Funnily enough the card does work to get correct time (can see the signal thing appear on start up) but the data for traffic doesn’t. Bit like a phone when you’ve used up all the data for the month.
Yep, tried that link with no luck. Funnily enough the card does work to get correct time (can see the signal thing appear on start up) but the data for traffic doesn’t.
These devices use GPS data for time, not the cellular network.

You'll need to contact TomTom.
Update from Tomtom, basically saying nothing they can do. “Please be informed that we can made the changes to the sim card from our side when the data is been used continuously or stopped working for a short period of time.“
Because it has not been used for a while the sim card is useless. My only thoughts are if you can replace the sim card but Tomtom not interested any more. Even Tomtom repair shops now say they can’t do anything.
I’ll have a look for another working one on ebay instead.
SIM cards are automatically suspended by the operator after 18 months after which it is no longer possible to reactivate them so we can think that you have gone more than 18 months without connecting...?
Accepted this tomtom was kaput. Got another off ebay whilst checking before that the traffic services worked. All sorted now. Added it to my profile, updated and working!
I had exactly the same issue today, via the chat I got this fixed within 10 minutes. Told the human agent the issue and need to reactivate the SIM, and sorted.

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