TomTom ONE Customization Page of Goodies!


Dec 9, 2007
Jericho, VT
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom Go 920
Hello Everyone,

I took some time and created a Customization webpage for the TomTom ONE LE that I own. Many of these customizations can be done on the other ONE's and other models of TomToms as well.

It is a work in progress, but should be useful to somebody!
TomTom ONE LE Customization Page

I downloaded a new voice from one of the sites you reccommended.
Installed the files in the voices folder.
Just having problems with the "Safely Remove Hardware" step.

Am I just trying to disconnect the TomTom ?

Is there another way ?

Thanks !

I downloaded a new voice from one of the sites you reccommended.
Installed the files in the voices folder.
Just having problems with the "Safely Remove Hardware" step.

Am I just trying to disconnect the TomTom ?

Is there another way ?

Thanks !

Hey, I'm glad everyone is making good use of the site! The only reason I have you use the Safely Remove Icon is to completely stop the connection of your TomTom device from the PC. It is just good practice to insure no program is still accessing ANY USB device to use the Safely Remove Hardware icon to avoid any data loss or corruption.

The other way to disconnect the TomTom safely is to go into your TomTom Home program in the "Device" menu and select "Disconnect Device" and wait until TomTom Home says it is safe to disconnect.
Thanks for the site. Helped out alot, I just wish for new voices that sound real and not computery.
Thanks for the site, the work that went into it, all the useful tips/ideas/hints and sharing it with all of us. I will be using it in the "near" future.

Great site

Where'd you get the image for that great PSU avatar? Would be great as a splash screen on my XL. Thx.

If you are interested...

I own a site called the company that I had it for is now defunct...

If you want, I am a web developer and always looking for new stuff to get into... Want me to host your page and we can design something together?
Downloaded and installed free voices...worked like a charm, also made my own voice and that works nicely as well Great page... Much thanks!
Where'd you get the image for that great PSU avatar? Would be great as a splash screen on my XL. Thx.

Good idea :) I actually found a picture of a blanket on the web and reduced its size :D

Here is one you can use for your splash screen, I already re-sized it for ya!:
Tweaking the TT ONE 3rd Edition...

Birdman, thanks for the site -- that's a lot of handy tips in one place!

Here's a few extra things I've done to squeeze all the functionality I can out of my TT ONE 3rd Edition. Once it's tweaked a little, it's a great value for the price.
  • Create a temporary custom TomTom.mnu that includes the following:
    • MENUITEM|TASK_SWITCH_TIPS| -- allows you to turn off the popup tips.
    • MENUITEM|TASK_SET_NAME_DISPLAY| -- allows you to display house numbers before street names.
    • Once these are set, you can delete them from your menu, but the settings will be retained. If there's another way to set these options, I haven't been able to find it.
  • Use a more permanent custom menu which adds, among a few other items, these features:
    • MENUITEM|TASK_ITINERARY| -- allows you to design a trip with multiple waypoints, or design offline and import itinerary files using great utilities like Tyre. Much easier than trying to fat-finger a route in the car!
    • MENUITEM|MAINTAIN_POI| -- unlocks the ability to add/edit/delete your own POI categories.
    • MENUITEM|TASK_DOC_BROWSER| -- unlocks a utility that allows you to store and view TXT and HTML files saved in the \text directory. Handy for contact lists, etc. while you travel.
A couple footnotes:
  • As has been noted elsewhere in the forums, using your own custom menu loses the Map Share and Help Me icons. I used the "Show report button" in the Correction Preferences to turn on the Map Share icon before I created my custom menu. Then you can still mark locations on your route to be corrected later, even though the "Map corrections" button is gone.
  • I have a 3-screen custom menu that works well for my needs. If anyone's interested, say the word and I'd be glad to paste it into a reply. Maybe it could save you from "reinventing the wheel," or at least give you a good starting point for your own personal menu.
Happy tweaking!:D
Birdman, thanks for the site -- that's a lot of handy tips in one place!

Here's a few extra things I've done to squeeze all the functionality I can out of my TT ONE 3rd Edition. Once it's tweaked a little, it's a great value for the price.
  • Create a temporary custom TomTom.mnu that includes the following:
    • MENUITEM|TASK_SWITCH_TIPS| -- allows you to turn off the popup tips.
    • MENUITEM|TASK_SET_NAME_DISPLAY| -- allows you to display house numbers before street names.
    • Once these are set, you can delete them from your menu, but the settings will be retained. If there's another way to set these options, I haven't been able to find it.
  • Use a more permanent custom menu which adds, among a few other items, these features:
    • MENUITEM|TASK_ITINERARY| -- allows you to design a trip with multiple waypoints, or design offline and import itinerary files using great utilities like Tyre. Much easier than trying to fat-finger a route in the car!
    • MENUITEM|MAINTAIN_POI| -- unlocks the ability to add/edit/delete your own POI categories.
    • MENUITEM|TASK_DOC_BROWSER| -- unlocks a utility that allows you to store and view TXT and HTML files saved in the \text directory. Handy for contact lists, etc. while you travel.
A couple footnotes:
  • As has been noted elsewhere in the forums, using your own custom menu loses the Map Share and Help Me icons. I used the "Show report button" in the Correction Preferences to turn on the Map Share icon before I created my custom menu. Then you can still mark locations on your route to be corrected later, even though the "Map corrections" button is gone.
  • I have a 3-screen custom menu that works well for my needs. If anyone's interested, say the word and I'd be glad to paste it into a reply. Maybe it could save you from "reinventing the wheel," or at least give you a good starting point for your own personal menu.
Happy tweaking!:D

I actually cover those on page #2 of my tweaks :D

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