TomTom experts: How do you enter ...

Aug 24, 2007
a house number that also contains letters such as "N234W2124 Elm Street" on the TT1? It appears that only house numbers can be entered. I know that mapquest can handle handle these types of addresses.

Bummer! I live in SE Wisconsin an about half the house addresses in my county have this number/letter format. We're constantly dropping off/picking up our kids at new freinds homes where the TT1 would have been a big help trying to find these new-to-us locations. Nightime adds another level of challege with a lack of street lights on most rural roads. I wonder If the Gamin units can deal with this address format.
how does TT handle your street address?

go to "Browse Map" and click anywhere on your street to get a "house number" for that pointer location. What format does it show?
If you can also give me GPS cordinates to these locations, I can check to see how the addresses are displayed and help you out.
I live in SE Wisconsin too, and it is a real pain not being able enter an address like S33W30212 or this one "N2662 Hilltop Dr, Campbellsport, WI 53010". My son bought a Garmin and it accepts the address fine.

I did find this site that accepts the address and then gives you the latitude longitude which I then enter in to my TomTom, but you need a computer of course to do that.
Hello and welcome.
Sorry if this is frustrating. I tried to duplicate the error and the street won't accept any addresses. I pointed to that position using GPS cordinates and it does located by that method. Scrolling through the map and point to areas on the street, the map will give you addresses. However, this did not happen. Looks like it is a map error that needs to be updated.

Besides using the GPS cordinates, I would suggest using the Browse map option located on the 2nd menu screen and looking for the area/destination. Then select the cursor option below and select Navigate there.
House Numbers a Limitation in Hawaii too!

From what I've gathered thus far, you only have one option with entering house numbers/location, that is..numbers only. That's a bummer because most house numbers in Hawaii in include a dash. Example, 94-1430 Manao Street. It makes it difficult to find a business/house using just the address. You will need to call and get a cross street or use an online mapping service like MapQuest to at least get you close to your destination.

This is my first GPS (TomTom ONE 3rd Edition) and I really like it for an entry level navigator, but this house number limitation really bums me out.

Yes I agree its ridiculous that you can't even enter a dash (-) on house number. There are a few towns that have addresses like this that I travel to and its basically impossible to find the address because of this issue. Tomtom really needs to address this issue!
This concerns me, because when I bought this, I was hoping to use it when I travel to such areas that use that type of home addresses. I am a bit disappointed that in this late day, TomTom company has not yet fixed this flaw. I am hoping they can fix this ASAP--and they should also not charge people for this update--since it's an error on their part.
a house number that also contains letters such as "N234W2124 Elm Street" on the TT1? It appears that only house numbers can be entered. I know that mapquest can handle handle these types of addresses.


Well, I have now run into this problem in several states, including Illinois... Both Magellan 4250 and Garmin 360 (both $249) handle this problem nicely. There are probably a million addresses with this alpha+numeric format that can't be navigated to. I just love the TT die hards who say, find a cross street... how are you going to find the cross street when you are sitting in your car trying to find a place and you don't know where it is and you don't have a phone number to call? What idiots these TT users are. Or better yet, key in the coordinates... yeah, that could happen. If I could get the coordinates then why spend money on this? I am thinking of ditching the 920 just so I am not associated with these numb nuts.

When I called TT on this I was advised that the Garmin or Magellan would probably be a better unit for me, given the need to find these types of addresses.

I think they are right.
I just love the TT die hards who say, find a cross street... how are you going to find the cross street when you are sitting in your car trying to find a place and you don't know where it is and you don't have a phone number to call? What idiots these TT users are. Or better yet, key in the coordinates... yeah, that could happen. If I could get the coordinates then why spend money on this? I am thinking of ditching the 920 just so I am not associated with these numb nuts.

First of all, everybody here is a user of a tomtom product. This community is for users helping users. God knows I have given information to users where I meant well, but the info or suggestions didn't work.

In your eyes, I guess that makes me an 'idiot' and I'm a 'numb nut'.

Trust me, with your attitude, you don't want to know what I think you are. Why don't you return the tomtom and leave this forum. Go and infect someplace else. ASAP.:mad:
Im not going to call anyone idiots here. I do however agree with him. Many rural areas (I live in Wisconsin) have this combination on numbers/letters and TomTom can't navigate you to these addresses because they are not in the database. Only number address (cities/villages) tend to be in tomtom which can get very confusing and frustrating as one doesn't usually know cross streets/zip code etc...This is a serious flaw that TomTom needs to update!
Im not going to call anyone idiots here. I do however agree with him. Many rural areas (I live in Wisconsin) have this combination on numbers/letters and TomTom can't navigate you to these addresses because they are not in the database. Only number address (cities/villages) tend to be in tomtom which can get very confusing and frustrating as one doesn't usually know cross streets/zip code etc...This is a serious flaw that TomTom needs to update!

Well, they only NEED to address this issue if they want to be competitive with the other GPS makers whose devices (apparently) DO handle the hyphenated and alpha charactered addresses properly. Well, then, even THAT depends on whether that info gets out to the GPS buying public before they make their purchases. It might influence a buyers NEXT GPS purchase decision! However, given the short term decisions businesses seem to make, once you've made a purchase (and assuming you don't get a refund based on dissatisfaction) the company's attitude might well be "We got your money - you can go to H**L!"

First of all, everybody here is a user of a tomtom product. This community is for users helping users. God knows I have given information to users where I meant well, but the info or suggestions didn't work.

In your eyes, I guess that makes me an 'idiot' and I'm a 'numb nut'.

Trust me, with your attitude, you don't want to know what I think you are. Why don't you return the tomtom and leave this forum. Go and infect someplace else. ASAP.:mad:
dhn got a little emotional... I am not saying that everyone here is an idiot... just the ones who claim you can solve the TT shortcoming by entering GPS coordinates or cross streets. In March, the Magellan 4250 is available at Costco for only $249 including TrafficKit. At that time the 920 goes back. I pocket $150 and can navigate to addresses TT won't recognize. I will miss GPRS traffic. I'll miss being able to move a POI. But I won't miss dhn

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