This a a high-end, pricey sat-nav ... was expecting more

Aug 5, 2024
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TomTom Model(s)
Rider 50
I bought the expensive Tomtom Rider solution because I was disappointed with other units for the motorcycle.
I wasn't too happy spending that amount of money, but then again ... the few long-distance trips I do on the motorcycle ... it seemed worth it.

Now, here is my summary with the TT Rider 50 - whatever it's worth - after riding 600km with the latest s/w update, and maps.
The pro/s
a) battery lasts quite long, even with display on high brightness. 2.5h seems possible, that is much longer even than the car units by Tomtom.
b) display is more or less readable in bright sunlight, from all angles, not too bad.
c) nav guidance to one place from where you are right now, works okay, but ... see below.
d) it is nice that one can turn the display by 90 deg while riding.

But that is about were the good news end. Keep in mind that my Rider 50 is the earlier 500/550's cousin, with no hardware changes, no cheaper components, right ? The only differences is in the services and coverage. In other words TT had years to improve the product line, the hardware and the software, and cut the problems out. Okay, CONs :
1) I can hardly say that my brand new unit accepts touch inputs with gloves on. Three times it does, 5 times it simply doesn't. And this happens without any humidity in the air. Very annoying.
2) the database is crap, passed two motorway gas stations today which the unit did not show. And given their appearance these ugly buildings were not just built in the last 6 months.
ad 2) in under 200km total, the Rider 50 guided me twice into a dead-end, one of them downhill into a small street where it was almost impossible to turn a 240kg m/c with luggage around. Can you hear my curses still echoing ?
3) inside the main menu : some items can be moved to where you need them, but many can not. I spare yo the details.
4) it does not work with all modern / recent BT ear-phones. My feeling is, even so I updated to the latest software, it has problems with the BT standard. (see my other post on this).
5) If you plan to change a route while riding, forget about it. Sure you may say, one shouldn't cause it's dangerous. Fine, accepted. What I am saying here is, it cannot be done anyway.
6) even if yo sit on the sofa, one cannot program the route you want. Example : go to the nearest motorway, on the motorway a bit, followed by a nice curvy road into the mountains. You think one can without mental gym and reprogramming while on the road ? okay, try it and show me.

I could go on like this for another 15 min. Is it just ... that no unit can be perfect ? Well, may be, may be not. I think that Tomtom wanted the market(share), without putting too much development effort into the Rider 500, or 550, or the latest Rider 50. It does what it does, is good enough for some nicy reviews in the press, may even be better than some other brands. But it does not live up to even all the most basic demands of the average rider.

What is this post good for ? help another rider to decide whether the Rider 50 (or 500 or 550 I presume) is worth the money.
"1) I can hardly say that my brand new unit accepts touch inputs with gloves on. Three times it does, 5 times it simply doesn't. And this happens without any humidity in the air. Very annoying."
I will say you can adjust the sensitivity for the gloves. That said many times I can see what I touch change color to indicate I touched it. Not that the unit really cares as nothing happens and I have to do it again several time sometimes.

"2) the database is crap, passed two motorway gas stations today which the unit did not show. And given their appearance these ugly buildings were not just built in the last 6 months."
I learned long ago not to trust it's POI database. Almost never right or up to date.

"ad 2) in under 200km total, the Rider 50 guided me twice into a dead-end, one of them downhill into a small street where it was almost impossible to turn a 240kg m/c with luggage around. Can you hear my curses still echoing ?"
Seen Garmin do similar but I think they maintain their updates better. I tried going back to one but if you think the TomTom mapping software is crap wait till you try theirs.

3) inside the main menu : some items can be moved to where you need them, but many can not. I spare yo the details.
"4) it does not work with all modern / recent BT ear-phones. My feeling is, even so I updated to the latest software, it has problems with the BT standard. (see my other post on this)."
I use the Scena 20S and it works with that as long as I do not pair my phone. If I pair the phone many things don't work.

"5) If you plan to change a route while riding, forget about it. Sure you may say, one shouldn't cause it's dangerous. Fine, accepted. What I am saying here is, it cannot be done anyway."
This is when you link it to the unit as a track. I have bitched about this from my first uses. If you just send the waypoints you can change it but a track is locked in and I hate it. Especially if you hit a detour around where you want to go and you waypoint is in that area. It will try to make you go through that point come hell or high water.

"6) even if yo sit on the sofa, one cannot program the route you want. Example : go to the nearest motorway, on the motorway a bit, followed by a nice curvy road into the mountains. You think one can without mental gym and reprogramming while on the road ? okay, try it and show me."
I always have to add waypoints on the curvy bit to make it go there. Here in the states the real fun one is if you want to take the Blue Ridge Parkway. I just want one road but I have to put over a dozen waypoints to keep it on that road.

I have been using the TomTom 2 then the Rider 550 for about 10 years or better and still curse it out regularly. My favorite is when you use a track and the trip is several hundred miles with multiple waypoint. Part way through something happens and it decides you need to start all over so go this way to go back to the start. This causes a lot of cursing. The only cure is to stop and make a new route. I actually make shorter pieces of my routes for a long trip just so if this happens I can change it IF I can remember which one is appropriate from where I am at that point.
Hi there, thanks for the comments.
ad 1) I tried adjusting the touch sensitivity. I tried cleaning gloves and screen. Both didn't make any difference (on my unit).
ad 2) my comment was not about going to a POI. I programmed going for "current location" to a motorway ramp some 30km away. That's when I ended up in that downhill dead end. This is the one BASIC competence of Tomtom, and it didn't do a good job, I would rather say it didn't do it's job at all.

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