Start 62 strange 10.10 download

Aug 5, 2011
SW France
TomTom Model(s)
Start 25 Europe
I was downloading the new 10.10 European Map for my Start 62, it was going well and had reached 28% with a respectable download time - for me - of another 4 hours. I went back to the computer an hour later and the download speed had reduced and the time increased to 7 hours but the strange thing is that it is now showing just 18% downloaded.

I frequently have problems downloading updated maps and I've come to terms with it but never had a reduced amount of data with the slower download speed. The Start is plugged into the main USB port and my wifi connection is fairly steady.

Any ideas would be appreciated or perhaps just an explanation.
On a couple of occasions I have seen similar behavior. In my case, it appeared that the connection was lost and the software automatically attempted to reconnect. When it did reconnect, Instead of continuing from the point at which the download failed, it started again from the beginning.

This may or may not be what happened to you, but it it is what I have seen.

- Tom -
Thanks for your input. Yes, I suspect the same for the download starting again, ET.

However, I got up early on Tuesday 7am CET which hopefully is a quiet time on the net and by 11am the file had downloaded and installed without a murmur.

I do have another question but I'll open another thread 'cos it is important to those of us living in France.

Thanks again.

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