Are you saying that when you press on the screen, it is selecting the wrong thing? If that is correct, you can try adjustment using a special calibration file in the root of your device. Can you tell us what is being selected when you press various places on the screen? Is everything too high or two low or left or right or ???
An adjustment can be made by placing a file called cal.txt in the root directory of your 720. All firmware versions since 8.051 require the sequence in this order:
MaxX MinX MaxY MinY
(where X = left/right and Y = up/down)
For Left/Right calibration:
MaxX affects the LEFT edge of the screen
Increase MaxX - touch point moves to the RIGHT of where you touched
Decrease MaxX - touch point moves to the LEFT of where you touched
MinX affects the RIGHT edge of the screen
Increase MinX - touch point moves to the RIGHT of where you touched
Decrease MinX - touch point moves to the LEFT of where you touched
For the Y axis, the process is the same only in the up/down axis.
I had this same problem with my old GO 740 and had to make some adjustment to access the bottom areas of the screen. My file looks like this:
926 77 830 200
If you press and hold the reset button in the bottom of your unit briefly. Now, press and hold the power button until the screen appears with white text on black background, then you can release the button. You will see a line on the screen that looks like this:
Touchscreen calib. data: 76 932 140 861
Beware! On THAT screen, the data is MinX MaxX MinY MaxY. Don't use that order when you create your cal.txt file! Anyway, this shows you where the unit calibration is by default if there is not any cal.txt file to change it., so you use this as a starting point for your adjustment. If your screen showed the numbers above, that would the same as if you had created the cal.txt file that looked like this: 932 76 861 140
You should create the file with Notepad or another very basic text editor that will allow you to create the file as BARE text and does not require line break at the end of lines.