Hello fellows,
I've got touchscreen issues on my TT GO 920, I know there's heaps of threads on here on this subject but being a non-native english guy, I have a hardtime understanding some of the offered solutions. So please bear withe me and try to respond in a clear way. Besides Í haven't been reading anything about a touchscreen that has lost all touchpoints on the screen, all I've been reading is people that either needed to move the touchpoint to the left or right or up or down .... my issue is a bit more complex as my screen doesn't recongnize anything at all.
To simply matters I've removed my SD card and copied both a calib and cal txt file into the root of my device that I've been altering for the last few days, with no luck at all

. As I reckon if I get my device to work properly from it's internal drive after finding the right combination for my calib and cal txt files, I can easily copy them onto my SC card and bob's your uncle (atleast I think it should work like that)
Been reading a bunch of stuff on the net and in this forum, including the links provided by dhn about it, but haven't been able to solve my issue. The point is that my touchscreen is so far of the mark it doesn't respond anywhere...... leaving me with no refference point at all.
My calib on reboot reads: 79 934 130 858 that I've swapped into 934 79 130 858 for my calib.txt file and 934 79 858 130 for my cal.txt file as I've been reading in some other topics on this subject.
As I can't get to accept the legal stuff upon start up by touching the ACCEPT button on the right bottom of the screen, nor can I hit YES or NO to the question if I want to grant my PC access to my TT or not whilst my TT is in it's charge cradle I guess the values to change are:
MIN X => decrease the default value by 40 for starters (to move the touchpoint more to the left on the right edge of the screen)
MIN Y => decrease the default value by 40 for starters (to move the touchpoint more to the center of the screen)
So my calib.txt file will read: 934 39 130 818
and my cal.txt file will read: 934 39 858 90
Am I making any sence or not ..... ?
I've made the above changes, but with no luck, I've even gone as fas as decreasing these values by 200 without any luck so I'm kinda lost at this stage ....
Looking forward to recieving your expertise on my issue.
Cheers !