Runner Cardio quits recording mid-run

Oct 29, 2016
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
Runner Cardio
Often when I'm out running, my Runner cardio will quit tracking. I'll look down and it will return to the home screen. Then I have to restart it. When I get home and connect it to my computer, instead of one 9 mile run, there's four shorter runs.

Also, how can I customize the screen to show me the stats I want to see. I don't care how many calories I burn. I want to see my HR and pace.

I got the Tomtom for the HR monitor and it's accurate for that. Problem is the unit acts like it's smarter than me. I just want the thing to tell me the information I want it to and nothing more.
You should call support Monday for your issues:

United States
866 486 6866
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m EST
It's been staying on, now that I posted something. I think it was losing GPS signal, since I'm in a relatively rural area. Another issue plaguing this is: When I'm ready to run it says "Please Wait" and takes forever before it says "Go." That's a PITA when I'm doing a 5k and the race starts. Is there a way to just tell it to start?
Rural areas won't bother a GPS signal, unless 'rural' includes a lot of heavy tree cover. You'd be worse off in any skyscraper jungle of a metro downtown area when it comes to getting a decent GPS fix.

Now the fact that it's taking a long time (can you say how long, roughly?) in the "Please wait" mode DOES indicate that it is taking a longer time than normal to get a GPS fix (that's why it's delaying you). All 3 of my TomTom watch units bring up a signal within 15 seconds worst case, even indoors. Can you describe your typical terrain/topography when starting your run?
If it's nothing unusual that would prevent a quick lock, then I'd be concerned about that particular unit. Still under warranty?

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