Refurbished GO1005 Internal Memory access

Mar 24, 2013
Ontario, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
Refurbished GO1005(GO2505M) from
Latest updates downloaded with My Tom Tom, Win8 recognizes the device.

How do I access the file system of the device?
It does not show up as a hard disk in windows explorer (unlike Garmin or Magellan), instead it is listed as a Network device. Connecting to the IP yields error 403: Access Denied.
Telnet, FTP: Connection refused.

Is refurbished 1005 handicapped or is the file system locked?

Thank You.
The file system is locked down on all Nav3 devices (using MyTomTom) such as yours.

It is appearing properly from your description.
dhn - Thank You for prompt reply.

Thank You for prompt reply dhn.

The GPS will be returned promptly.

Just curious why the file system is locked from my tinkering?

The file system is locked down on all Nav3 devices (using MyTomTom) such as yours.

It is appearing properly from your description.
Last edited:
Don't take it personally.....

Two things:
1. A lawsuit by Microsoft that prevents TomTom from using the fat32 file system on newer devices
2. A way to reduce software hacking (read 'theft of maps') by TomTom on the devices.
May I ask why you need to return it?
You can still add all the personal stuff, like POIs, colour schemes, voices and car cursors to it.

The new file system was brought about by TomTom being sued by Microsoft (as a test case) over patent rights to the FAT32 filesystem.

Once they had to change things, they used it as an opportunity to reduce the rampant hacking and piracy of their maps that used to go on.
Thank you dhn.

Don't take it personally.....

Two things:
1. A lawsuit by Microsoft that prevents TomTom from using the fat32 file system on newer devices
2. A way to reduce software hacking (read 'theft of maps') by TomTom on the devices.
All that pales in comparison to a user resourcefulness, I guess good ol' days are...gone for good. As far for the unit, it's a paperweight, a brick. I like the options on the gps but there is something missing..i can not see it's guts, its controlled, operated not by ME.

May I ask why you need to return it?
You can still add all the personal stuff, like POIs, colour schemes, voices and car cursors to it.

The new file system was brought about by TomTom being sued by Microsoft (as a test case) over patent rights to the FAT32 filesystem.

Once they had to change things, they used it as an opportunity to reduce the rampant hacking and piracy of their maps that used to go on.
Horses for courses, I guess.... I feel I'm in as much control over my Go1005 as I need to be, it's only a SatNav after all.
And it's about the thinnest, sleekest TomTom they've ever produced, to my mind, with one of the best mounts too.

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