Refurbished 730 won't charge

Jul 25, 2010
Right out of the box my refurbished 730 I bought from won't run unless docked or on the car charger. Should I try to get a replacement from Amazon or Tom Tom? Also Tom Tom at Home indicates it is not eligible for a latest map guarantee.
Have you charged the unit while turned off via the usb lead or car charger for at least 8 hours?

Yes, the LMG on TT's referbished units officially do not get this as stated on their site, but many people have. I called TT CS about this and they said it's pot luck youmay or may not get it?
With this I decided to buy the new 750 Live as it has the LMG and you get 12 months Live subscription free, equivalent to about ?96. I got the unit from my Comet store, it was ?249.99 but got it on their price match that they were selling on their own website for ?207.70.

If your unit is faulty and get a full refund then try the above method that I did, where although I spent over ?200 the overall package deal makes the unit cheap. I just wish they can sort out the Live Traffic problem of not connecting. The Google search, Weather and Petrol prices are good though.
To eman.......

Return it to Amazon for a replacement. North America refurbished units are not eligible for a LMG as a rule, though Amazon, being an authorized reseller of TomToms, may result in your having better luck if you call support at 866-486-6866 when you get the replacement unit.

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