Please help tomtom go frozen on grey screen

Jan 10, 2007
I just got my tomtom go 910 today. Took it for a whilrl out the box and it worked great. I got home and hooked it up to the dock installed tomtom home and did the updates of the tomtomapplication. After I disconnected tomtom from teh home and took tomtom off the dock it wouldn't respond to my touching the screen so I held down the power off / on button. Now it's just a lit up grey screen. NOTHING?! I've tried putting it back on the dock still grey...what happened?!
Were you running the TomTom through the "My TomTom" emulation program? If so, make sure to power off the emulation software before undocking the unit! (click the graphic where the power button would be). Otherwise if you undock the unit while still connected to the TT Home emulation program it will likely cause this problem.
That happened to me with my first ONE... it never came back to life. but BestBuy took it back for an exchange. No questions asked.
I have also posted about this problem on my TT910. It's happened to me once a couple weeks ago. (see my post in the forums) I did the soft reset and it's been good since then.

Let's hope we don't experience this problem from here on! *fingers crossed*
Sorry to hear about this problem. How long did you hold down the on button? When updating the a new firmwire, you sometimes have to hold it down until you see your startup image appear. Keep repeating the process for a couple of times until it turns on. If not, do the pin reset.
I have had this similar problem with my 510. Several time after doing something with TomTom Home, I click the "My Device" icon to disconnect. It disconnects and then I try to power it off and the grey screen appears. Resetting with the paper clip unfreezes it, but this shouldn't be happening, IMHO.
I have had this similar problem with my 510. Several time after doing something with TomTom Home, I click the "My Device" icon to disconnect. It disconnects and then I try to power it off and the grey screen appears. Resetting with the paper clip unfreezes it, but this shouldn't be happening, IMHO.

This would happen to me also, and resetting would fix it. However, if you go through the disconnect steps from TomTom Home and WAIT until the splash screen comes on followed by the map screen and then you turn off the unit - it will turn off normally (without the glowing gray screen)
midnightmaraude.... I see you've posted this on 1-10-07 and other posts after about punching in a code for your maps.

...Are you all set with a working unit now? Keep us posted.

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