"no maps found" after update

OK, I think I can see where you are coming from. Am I right in thinking that if we delete ALL files (not folders) the TT home will replace them?
There is a slight problem in that whatever I try to do with the corrupted files ie; copy, delete, or move them, I get "cannot read selected file".
If I delete all of the other files and ignore the corrupted two will that work?
Negative. In fact, if Windows refuses to recognize those files, then you'll need to first format your unit's internal memory.

Using the normal Windows format with your unit connected, do a FAT32 format, and NOT the 'quick' variety. Use the USB tool in the systray (lower right of your screen) to properly disconnect afterward, then connect again and Home will fire up to provide you with the application(s). After that's done, you can copy your map folder from your backup to your unit. At that point, let us know how you're doing.
Sorry to sound dumb, but I am getting a little out of my depth here.
Are you saying that I should format the device?
I thought that a format would erase ALL files, folders etc from the device leaving it completely empty.
How do I do a FAT32 format?
In post 7 of this thread, canderson provided a link for how to backup using Explorer. In post 8, you said Explorer didn't work (why not?) but you DID do a backup using Home.

So, yes, a format will wipe out everything from the unit but you do have a backup.

In My Computer, highlight the drive that reflects the tomtom device and right click. One option is format. Select that and don't select 'quickformat'. Also, if asked, you want to format as fat32.

But, make sure you do have a backup first.
Like dhn said... especially that backup procedure I pointed you to.

The ONLY way to get rid of those stray files, since the directory entries are too mangled for Windows to touch them, is to format the device. Understand that there is an area that will NOT be formatted (you can't even see it) that is smart enough to connect back to your PC, and work with Home to get all of your firmware back from the TomTom server. Then it's just a matter of putting your map folder back on from your backup.
:thumb: Jackpot!!!
My TomTom has risen from the (brain) dead -------
Did everything you both instructed and, after a bit of fiddling, finally got the little beast working.
The startup does not play the drums but otherwise the GPS works great.
Many, many thanks to canderson and dhn for their help and patience.
Good news. Now make the Explorer backup to a new folder on your computer. See canderson's link in post 7.
The startup does not play the drums but otherwise the GPS works great.

A normal start-up SHOULDN'T play the drums. That only happens after the system has re-booted.
So nothing to worry about there. :)

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