I have been searching, to no avail... and all over... for any information or suggestions where I may purchase or buy an additional 12 Volt Motorcycle Power lead for the Rider 2.???? I now have a TomTom Rider 2 on my Harley Heritage with the existing 12 volt power supply, but am trying to find a supplier so I can purchase 'another' or an 'additional' power wire for my Harley Ultra Classic. The goal here is to allow me to move my Rider 2 (with base & Ram mount) from bike to bike, as I choose and snap in the power wire to go. Can anybody help me in finding this power wire. It is, obviously, a special wire as it has a snap connection that clips into the bottom of my mounted Rider 2 motorcycle base. This clip is a squeeze clip of sorts that removes when squeezed and when attached, snaps into place. iI have checked with TomTom and several various suppliers, but no go. I must say, TomTom was not very helpful and took forever getting back to me.