Need Help -- Adding Waypoints in Tyre

May 5, 2008
I have several route files created in Tyre. I need to edit these files in Tyre to add more waypoints in order to force TomTom to follow the desired route. How can I do this? The "edit" function in Tyre allows you to move an existing waypoint, but I can't see any way to insert an additional waypoint after the file has been saved. What am I missing?

New Waypoints


Are you using Google Maps with it? If not you should just hit the show route under the waypoints menu and then Google Maps is loaded. Once its loaded just left click where ever you want a waypoint to be and it should show up.
Yes, this works when I am creating a new route, but it does not work when I open a saved file and try to add new waypoints to that file.

But, I think I found a solution. I can start a new route and click New Waypoint "From file" and import the waypoints from the file. Then I can add new waypoints with the left-click and save the new route file over the old file. Sort of a round-about way, but it works.

Are you using Google Maps with it? If not you should just hit the show route under the waypoints menu and then Google Maps is loaded. Once its loaded just left click where ever you want a waypoint to be and it should show up.
Hondo - I'll assume you marked the begin and end point and your route was laid out. Now you want to add waypoint in between to force the route to remain the same on the TomTom. On the left side of the screen in Tyre the waypoints are shown. Tyre does not auto arrange the waypoints. Click a waypoint and the little info area pops up. You can then choose <UP> or <Down> to arrange your waypoints in the order you desire.

Tyre is a great little program and produces the end result. As it evolves I hope the author can add an auto arrange feature. Until then I can live with it.

Someone has set up a nice tutorial here;

This may help.

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