Maps & Internal Memory.

Feb 27, 2011
Hi All
I've just joined the forum and i would like some of your expert advise as you seem a knowlegable lot.
I bought my XL IQ ROUTES EUROPE 42 COUNTRIES because i wanted it to get us down to the car parking/airport and then around Bulgaria, but as you know the maps have been zoned and i cannot get all i want on the internal memory and not wanting to drag a laptop and sit for the best part of an hour to change zones at the other end i was wondering if there was anyway you could have Western europe map and just the Bulgaria map from the Eastern zone on at the same time.
Hope this makes sense to you.
Thanks in advance
Hi All
I've just joined the forum and i would like some of your expert advise as you seem a knowlegable lot.
I bought my XL IQ ROUTES EUROPE 42 COUNTRIES because i wanted it to get us down to the car parking/airport and then around Bulgaria, but as you know the maps have been zoned and i cannot get all i want on the internal memory and not wanting to drag a laptop and sit for the best part of an hour to change zones at the other end i was wondering if there was anyway you could have Western europe map and just the Bulgaria map from the Eastern zone on at the same time.
Hope this makes sense to you.
Thanks in advance

A well posted question, but I'm afraid the answer is not what you want to hear.

No you can't.
Long ago, TomTom used to make individual country maps, but haven't done for some years.
You are stuck with the Full Europe map if you can fit it on your device, or one of the four Europe zones if you can't.

That's why a TomTom model with an SD card slot for expansion is always a better bet (too late for you though)

I know you don't want to lug a laptop around with you, but it wouldn't take an hour to swap zones if you downloaded ALL of them to the laptop in the UK before you left.
Ahhh, Well thanks for that Andy, No full map won't fit, And I only take hand luggage with me so space is at a premium. Maybe i can make one pair of boxers last all week and then i'll be able to take a laptop :).
Do you think you might be able to access a PC over there?
If so, you could put the map folder onto a DVD and just take that.
That might be an half option, i have a laptop over there but i really need it to get out of Sofia as i always find it a nightmare.
Thanks for the advise Andy.
A couple of years ago, I despaired of ever being able to reliably load data to my GPS unit while away from home. Locked down computers, infected computers at cafes, you name it -- it was all getting very tiresome.

This was a particular nuisance with my Garmin handheld which depends upon updates of certain data at least weekly. I typically load the same information onto the TomTom for gross navigation.

Finally broke down and got a little Asus netbook. Weighs next to nothing and really will operate for a good 6 hours on a charge. Slides into my briefcase and occupies less space than many of the books I've lugged around at one time or another. Bought one with WiFi so that I could update the GPS data more 'current' data if necessary, but have mostly done fine with loading from what I bring with me. It works for both loading map/satellite photo imagery and GPS coordinate info. I'm not stuck looking for a machine somewhere to plug into.

I know it's another thing to haul around, but with free readers and the free books that are available out there, it's good for that as well.

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