Lost 910 TTS Computer Voices

Jan 4, 2007
Kettering, Ohio
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom Go 910
I Lost Susan, The computer voice willo not restore from my first backup and I cannot find here anyplace. How can I get Susan's Computer Voice Back?

See the attachment. I need , / Prefer that voice since it gives me all the information.

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That a TTS (text-to-speech) voice and once it's gone I don't think you can get it back (legally) unless you have a good backup...

I did the back-up on the 910 when I got it. The TomTom Home did not back up those parts of the unit when I did the back-up. It backuped a lot more stuff on the second backup I did but nothing works. So is there anyway possible that I can get the files. I think that TomTom company should have a way to restore the unit to the oregional condition.
I don't have a 910, I'm just going on everything I've read here. I think you may be SOL but you can try with TomTom Support.

I did read somewhere that doing a backup of a 910 it "recemmends" not baking up the TTS stuff to save disk space or something like that. To me that's silly because, well look at your dilema.... you don't have a full backup and now youneeds files you probably can't get back unless you pay for them again...

Best bet would be to contact TT Support.

Keep us posted on what happens... good luck!

(Also going to rename this and stick it in the 910 forum)
Working Again

:) Well, After working 3 hours on this thing, and going and buying a snowblower for the 10 to 12 inches of snow we are supposed to get, putting it together and testing it, and working another 4 hours on the 910. I have the TTS with Susan working again. You don't want to know how, but since I am fairly knowledgable about computers and the internet, I have it working again.

Thanks for the help.:)
Glad to hear you got it working again.
As soon as you said "You don't want to know how" I already knew. The good part is that you have it working and it's something you should have.
Working Again

Pedro2NR: Why is it that the setup on the TT910 is not on the CD that was sent with it? The only thing on the CD that came with the device is some Voices, Raster files, Manual and Licences, There were no maps or computer voices on the CD. The TT910 came with maps, and a lot of other stuff on it. When I did the first back-up, not all of the data on the TT910 backed up. I installed the the updates on the first startup of Home and then backed up again. Several weeks later I got the Free Update DVD and Installed it. It had Ver. 6.520. My TT910 came with Ver. 6.522.
I backed up the unit again. Nothing in those backups would restore the Computer Voices. There were files missing from the back-ups. I got the voices back and did another back-up. It looks like all the files backed up this time, (I Hope). Back to my question. TomTom should send a CD with the original factory installed software on it and not what they sent. This is a little upsetting in the fact that you spend $600.00 for a product and following proceedures that don't work, (the backup) that you cannot restore the unit to the original purchased state when something happens to it.

I assume Tomtom doesn't include all the information on a CD to prevent copies being distributed or sold. All the information in your GO is unique and should be backed up. TomTom should include specific instructions to back these up properly.
Pedro2NR: Why is it that the setup on the TT910 is not on the CD that was sent with it?
It wouldn't fit on a CD. DVD's cost more!

When I did the first back-up, not all of the data on the TT910 backed up.
Aren't you given choice of a 'full backup' or partial? If you did a full backup, all of your data should have been backed up. Personally, I just used explorer to make a complete backup of all files.

TomTom should send a CD with the original factory installed software on it and not what they sent. This is a little upsetting in the fact that you spend $600.00 for a product...
Hah! I just paid approx $2,600 for a brand new Vaio laptop and that didn't come with any discs! Nothing. No manual, no software, no drivers, no OS, nothing!

I was of course 'advised' to make a backup of the HD. Cost to me = 2 DVD's. You would imagine that Sony could afford to throw those into the box, but no. At the end of the day, I guess every cent counts. Sony didn't get rich giving away 'free' backup DVD's!
Hah! I just paid approx $2,600 for a brand new Vaio laptop and that didn't come with any discs! Nothing. No manual, no software, no drivers, no OS, nothing!

I was of course 'advised' to make a backup of the HD. Cost to me = 2 DVD's. You would imagine that Sony could afford to throw those into the box, but no. At the end of the day, I guess every cent counts. Sony didn't get rich giving away 'free' backup DVD's!
Same with me and my New HP laptop. $3K. No DVDs. But I do have wasted space of about 14GB in a seprate partition to 'restore' from. I too was advised to make my own DVDs. Took 2. BUt I was also advised against repartitioning my drive to get the space back...as DVDs can go bad over time.

So... a backup of a backup of a backup? Just to make sure you really have what you paid for? hehe
I tried manually moving the susan voice files back on to my tt after the upgrade and I could nto get it to work. COuld you share a little more of what you did to get the voice back.

Please .......
Linux is case sensitive. I can take a screen shot of the files and send them to you if you would like.
Screen Shot

Could you send me the screen shot also so that I can check my back-up.
I know that a lot of my files either have CAP's, and Lots have lower case.

Thans Ahead of time.
Don't know if this will help but TomTom informed me that the installation disk "self destructs" after one use which can be problematic when buying a new computer. But there are ways to get a new one which they explained in a very oblique manner.

Of course, everybody know that there's a blossoming market in counterfeit DVDs for GPS devices because every household has one...

I was also encouraged to do another installation of about 10 MBs only to find out - after a dial-up 35 minute download (no DSL in the boonies...) - that it would have overwritten my existing version. Of course I opted out when I became aware of it.

I don't even know how to find any files on the computer. The download left me with two icons in "Program Files" (none of them data files...) and I'd like to look at how my routes etc. are saved. A screenn print would be appreciated. I think my address is public but here it is for redundancy: <[email protected]>
Spook: My Gateway desktop came with 8 blank CDs to make the back-ups but I used my own DVDs. Now how's that for service? In contrast, my HP laptop came without any disks but a link to order them for extra shekels.

When I complained that the back-up feature did not work on writable CDs or DVDs, they sent me the installation DVDs - for free. Go figure!
How to get Kate and other TTS voices back

Here is a write up I put together after I my TTS voices stopped working after a restore from backup.

I spent many hours figuring out how to fix Kate on my tomtom 910. Kate the the English UK text to speech (TTS) voice on the tomtom 910 Go. After I restored from back recently she stopped working. Well I tracked the problem down to file and folder case (capitalization). The problem is that the tomtom home program folds everything down to lower case when it copies to your desktop. First thing to avoid this you should copy the entire tomtom HDD using windows explorer instead of the home application. Make sure to set explorer to view hidden files first.

The fix:

1. the LoquendoTTS directory in the root of the tomtom HDD, should have case just as I show it.
2. Kate.vbe (in root of LoquendoTTS )- case as shown
3. send Kate.vbe to notepad, in this file is the list of files required to make Kate work. The proper case is listed in the file, rename all the other files and folders as shown in the vbe file. Some of the files do not match exactly some of them have 16li before the extension, just ignore that part and fix the case in the other part. I did this all now Kate (who I call Claudia - reminds me of Claudia Black) is back. YAY!

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